2nd Amendment Attack Continues


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Supporting Member 6

You know what this means dontcha Bob. This means that this Bass Tard will be putting in a request for taxpayer funded security like others have done, except for the likes of Republican Marjory Tayor Green because the Pig denied her security!!!! And someone else that's a member of the vegytable family had the taxpayers float him a loan for his half a million-dollar fence, it must be a loan right, because any fair-minded individual would surely not expect the taxpayers to pay for it would they? And don't call me Shirley!:brow

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Supporting Member 6
Have they no decency and respect for the elderly!? How can they just rob po ole Bass Turd and prop her up on a pedestal for all to see and reveal her hypcrapsy! And who would have thunk a fine and downstanding individual such as herself be caught owning a pair of guns, cause everyone knows that firearms are the root of all evil, for shame,tsk,tsk!!!:no


Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
I believe Matt P has the answer. Denifinatly not handguns.


1958 delivery

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
I believe Matt P has the answer. Denifinatly not handguns.

There is no registration in Iowa so if you buy a handgun out of state and transport it back without getting caught then when you have it safely at home you don't have to register it so how would anyone know?

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
There is no registration in Iowa so if you buy a handgun out of state and transport it back without getting caught then when you have it safely at home you don't have to register it so how would anyone know?

Just the same as a state that requires registration if you choose to ignore the law.


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Supporting Member 1
My 2 cents, it is and has been illegal since 1968 for anyone (other than a FFL holder) to buy a handgun outside their state of residence. Every state has different requirements about their citizens buying long guns across state lines but most allow it.