West Coast Shout Out is ON


Supporting Member 1
That sounds great Joel, I am looking forward to meeting you. I was told that the Red Lion Hotel is offering a racers special for that weekend and I think I posted their web and phone number earlier in this thread.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Okay, I'm working on the hats... Looks like we only have about 6 hats needed ? We will need more than that I think to make it worthwhile, for someone to work the order. So that questions is how many want one or more hats ???

Hats List

Nuts (Bill) - 2
Petepedlar (Dave) (4) ?
Boxerdog (Dave)
Tripower (Dan)
Garbageman (Paul) (2)
jbschneeweis (Joel) (1)
409Newby (2)
k9Hotrodder409 (2)
Phil and Candy (?)
409performance (Jack) (?)



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
We currently have no plans for T-shirts ?? Quess we would need to take a look if someone knows any T-shirt guys ?



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Bill, put me down for 4 hats........... and I may need more, I'll let you know ASAP.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10

You posted in another forum that we have 25 plus cars scheduled to attend for the race or show. I don't find that many, can you list the people you have attending ?? I want to have enough hats for those that want them.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 4
I'm really interested in this event but can't commit to it now, I will have to test the water in mid August, but fuel prices are coming down, business is just paying the bills for the last several years. Haven't drag raced since 1968, got married in 69 and the racecar had to go, wouldn't mind trying though, might be sound asleep on the start, no Christmas trees in oval track, is it better to red light or get caught sleeping? Will there be a street tires through the muffler class?


Supporting Member 1
Hi Dave, we would sure like to have you there. Yes, you will be able to run your car with street tires and mufflers, we will have at least to classes depending how many cars attend. As far as red light or sleeping, I'ld rather be trying too hard than being asleep but I don't really like to think about either.


Supporting Member 1
Well I wish I still lived in the Eug/Springfield areas like I did back in the 40s/50s and early 60s before the Army got me. I would have my 60 right in line. furtherest south I ever raced with it was Redding and Port Orford. AW, those were the days!!:beer:cheers Mesa Arridzona is a long drive!!:(


Supporting Member 1
But long drives are so much fun and AZ isn't that far. Well, it kinda is a 2 day drive to Northern CA. We would love to see ya there if you can rangle it.



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Let's not forget that my brother and I drove 3000 miles one way to Thompson last year......... Thompson was awsume, but the drive was worth every gallon of gas....... we had as much fun on the trip as we did at Thompson I'm sure............ I think we're looking at 700 miles +/- from here to Eurika and I know tha drive will be worth it. My health is the only thing that may keep me at home and right now everything is a go !!!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Dave, glad to hear things are still on the improve !!!!! Looking forward to seeing you again !



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
I'm going to put in a finalized order for hats ! Here is the list of attendee's that I'm currently tracking.

Nuts (Bill) - 2
Petepedlar (Dave) (4) ?
Boxerdog (Dave)
Tripower (Dan)
Garbageman (Paul) (2)
jbschneeweis (Joel) (1)
409Newby (2)
k9Hotrodder409 (2)
Phil and Candy (?)
409performance (Jack) (?)
Blown55409 (Chip) (1)

Any other people coming that I have missed ?? Based on this list, I'm thinking about twenty hats ??? But I saw someone post 23 plus cars ?

Please updated as needed.



Well Known Member
Put me down for a hat and a t-shirt XL if possable. Looks like I will be able to make it after all. The 409 seems to be fixed and running good. I put a new hitch on, fixed the brakes and replanked my trailer, should be ready to go. Hope they aren't to fussy about seat belts, my five point is like brand new but out of date, helmets too, mine is not that old but not sure of the new requirements, everything else has past NHRA tech before.
Looking forward to a fun weekend and meeting everyone.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Chip, added you to the list, glad to hear you'll be able to attend ! I hope the group continues to grow, about one month to go !



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
Hi Bill, I see that you have me down for attending the meet. I only asked for hats & t-shirts. I definitly won't be able to make it, being on the RIGHT COAST on Long Island makes it an awfully long trip for me. Believe me after meeting all the guys at Thompson back in June,I would love to make it but I regret to say I can't this year.:hug:laugh:roll:cheers So many members so little time. I never say never though.:think



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10

I knew that... I'll send you a couple of hats as soon as I get them, from Mike. I'll get in touch to get an address, don't have a final price yet either.
