Illegals & Border related

Iowa 409 Guy

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The show the bill, but it does not show the person's name that introduced it, only M......

Looks phony, but I wouldn't put anything past them.


I'd bet many bad actors are already here! The odds of 4.9 million of these illegals being choir boys is...

Of ALL the insanity of the left, this open border thing REALLY IRKS ME!! I can't believe ANYONE would think this was a good idea!

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm


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The Rat party and their global partners really have the azz at us and would really like to hurt us bad and our Country! So better load em up, you never know when Biden will bus them into your community to begin the Rats big experiment!!!!!!!!!!!







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Where are the Catholics when they discover crap like this? The Catholics are responsible for many illegals in this Country, and I have to wonder why the Mickey's are doing this. Is something simple like 'love thy brother' or is there something darker and sinister? If Trump would have got a second term Tik Tok would still be in China, he was working on throwing them out of the States, but the Rats were fighting him over it, looks like the Rats won by hook or crook!!!!!!!!!!!



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If the RepubiKunts take control in November, then in January of 23 start hiring ICE agents and start lining up the buses and ship all these illegals back South and I mean all of them, at least the ones we don't need!!
