Illegals & Border related


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100%. I'm 2 seconds away from painting my face at any given moment..... Yet I don't because I'm a coward who's padded by the luxury and comfort of this free market Capitalist, Christian based Constitutional Republic and I really enjoy the life I've been given here....:bang:bang:bang

I'm not gonna hit the streets by myself and get mowed down by daddy government in two seconds and be made an example on the 6 o'clock news....'another deranged white guy who loved his country died today....'

I'm just waiting for the millions to wake up like the guys here on the '09 board have.....


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Supporting Member 3
100%. I'm 2 seconds away from painting my face at any given moment..... Yet I don't because I'm a coward who's padded by the luxury and comfort of this free market Capitalist, Christian based Constitutional Republic and I really enjoy the life I've been given here....:bang:bang:bang

I'm not gonna hit the streets by myself and get mowed down by daddy government in two seconds and be made an example on the 6 o'clock news....'another deranged white guy who loved his country died today....'

I'm just waiting for the millions to wake up like the guys here on the '09 board have.....
I sure hope the millions wake up sooner than gotta take a stand and be ready to do what has to be done before it's done unto you...I have made up my mind on when and where I will take a stand and that bothers me to my very soul...I was not raised this way and will stand for what I believe...if that means a body bag so be it...I have been diagnosed with a illness that may or may not take me but I surely wont go on their terms...


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I personally don't know anyone that is against "legal" immigration. It's the "illegal" part that they have issues with. When ever I speak with a liberal or democrat on this subject, the first thing I ask is if they understand the difference between legal and illegal. If they believe in right and wrong, and do they believe in the law. The law is where liberals and democrats start to have issues. I then say that if they can choose what laws they want to enforce, then I should be able to also, as well others. So that means "NOTHING" is off the table. If people would look at what happened, and is happening in Europe when uncontrolled immigration was allowed, and the cities and towns in America, they might have a different opinion. However they just hear the mantra of the left about racism and how Republicans and Conservatives hate everyone and are against immigration. Nothing could be farther from the truth, but the left believes it all.


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The Rats are waiting for the right to make the first move, then they can say we were only defending our Country from these heathen terrorists it was totally justified! If you disagree just give us your name and address and phone number, so we can discuss the matter, so we know you'll be receiving the service only demanding taxpayers deserve!!!!! :bat



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NO, they're not getting deported, Mayorkis. They're all coming to Denver and living 20 deep in some tiny little house in some bombed out s--thole neighborhood . I see just as many Chihuahua license plates here as any other state in the Union.
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Being that KamalToe is a Libatard she probably turned them into slaves and is now renting them out, this is what the Rat party specializes in. it goes way back to before the Civil War!!!
