Illegals & Border related

Just curious, where were all the ‘patriots” for the all volunteer military…bone spurs I guess.
Someones got to pick veggies, wash the dishes at restaurants, be roofers, because americans are too lazy.
illegals aren’t the ones to worry about, it’s the crazies that are already here.
if you want to do something patriotic, stand guard around schools, put drunk drivers in prison(yes drunk drivers).
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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Just curious, where were all the ‘patriots” for the all volunteer military…bone spurs I guess.
Someones got to pick veggies, wash the dishes at restaurants, be roofers, because americans are too lazy.
illegals aren’t the ones to worry about, it’s the crazies that are already here.
if you want to do something patriotic, stand guard around schools, put drunk drivers in prison(yes drunk drivers).
I was a dishwasher at 15, I was in the Army at 17, I have roofed houses, but just a couple. My cousins picked fruit every summer for years. I had some other menial jobs during my lifetime as well before I either worked my way up, or educated myself. The blanket statement that Americans are too lazy is another myth created by the liberals and democrats and followed by the uneducated. Those same liberals and democrats are the ones that also spread the myth that Republicans and Conservatives are anti immigration, racist etc. You simply need to study American History and it will show you that the liberals and democrats are the ones that are racist ( KKK, anti civil rights ) violent, almost every riot, and violent outbreak across America, and want to enslave all people by keeping them uneducated and relying on them and government instead of being self sufficient. And yes, we should put drunk drivers in jail, along with almost all politicians left and right.


Illegals are just that, ILLEGAL! We need to stop letting our country be INVADED!!! Come in legally or stay OUT! Todays society is all talk and no action. We "Patriots" should be hand to hand all along the border and blocking this BS! (we should also oust this out of control government but again, nobody wants to do anything these days.)

We don't need to be the worlds protector! We can't even take care of our own country but want to play daddy to everyone on the globe! About 31 or so TRILLION in debt and we give other country's money. Yeah, that makes sense...


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Supporting Member 6
This death is on biden & the demoRATSs bloody hands:

And I repeat, since the Potato has been letting anything come across the border in droves, laws need to be passed to protect us, because sooner or later this riff raff will be showing up in your town! And with the way the Rats have been coddling these illegals it will be Damn near impossible to protect what's yours without you going to jail!!

Not everyone has the $20K to get a green card here.
I’m tired of people forgetting how their family came here.
people think they are “entitled“ because they were born here, yet will not give back.
God put peo0,e in America because those people could not handle living a hard life.
my 2 cents, you don’t serve, you don’t vote.

Veterans “ the 1%’s”
I was a dishwasher at 15, I was in the Army at 17, I have roofed houses, but just a couple. My cousins picked fruit every summer for years. I had some other menial jobs during my lifetime as well before I either worked my way up, or educated myself. The blanket statement that Americans are too lazy is another myth created by the liberals and democrats and followed by the uneducated. Those same liberals and democrats are the ones that also spread the myth that Republicans and Conservatives are anti immigration, racist etc. You simply need to study American History and it will show you that the liberals and democrats are the ones that are racist ( KKK, anti civil rights ) violent, almost every riot, and violent outbreak across America, and want to enslave all people by keeping them uneducated and relying on them and government instead of being self sufficient. And yes, we should put drunk drivers in jail, along with almost all politicians left and right.
What coincidence! As I was a dishwasher then cook until I left For the Army at 17.
that was years ago. Now, kids don’t want to work and think college is it. There are more jobs here than I can count at fas5 food places. When I a teenager, you had to know someone to get job. Lazy ass kids.
Trust me, you cannot hurt my feelings.
I feel sorry for you.
Not about the borders or government, but the obvious lack of love for mankind.
Once you’ve seen things or been there, God can really have a way with one’s heart.
nothing more to say.


Trust me, you cannot hurt my feelings.
I feel sorry for you.
Not about the borders or government, but the obvious lack of love for mankind.
Once you’ve seen things or been there, God can really have a way with one’s heart.
nothing more to say

Come in legally or stay the hell out is what I'm saying. Common freaking sense!

WHY does the United States have to play baby sitter to rest of the world?? We have our own to take care of. We are 31 TRILLION dollars in debt! Why do MY taxes have to go to those "entitled" illegals who think they have a right to just cross our border and leech off the system? They'll suck the blood out of us for the rest of their lives.

I feel sorry for your grand kids if you have any who will be paying for this. I hope one of these great illegals don't take their life or rape them or who knows what.

I won't bother trying to to explain normal rational thinking to you since you sound like a liberal. I won't waste my time.


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Supporting Member 6
I don't have a problem with legal immigrants just the illegals that the Potato invited! Even God said you should not break the law. And there has been nothing but, from one end of the spectrum to the other, from the invasion to the Rats that are letting all this happen!



The potato needs to use his own money to house and feed them. All he wants is votes. If all those illegals were wearing MAGA hats this would end! :laugh4


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 7
Trust me, you cannot hurt my feelings.
I feel sorry for you.
Not about the borders or government, but the obvious lack of love for mankind.
Once you’ve seen things or been there, God can really have a way with one’s heart.
nothing more to say.

What, feel sorry for Bob because you're on some perceived moral high ground? Spoken like a true liberal. Take that 'love for mankind' and shove it.

Borders and (limited) government ARE love for mankind. When Ellis Island was flooded with European immigrants, the welfare state was non existent and those people accepted that they would have to WORK for a living and they did. In spectacular fashion.

Fast forward 100+ years, the welfare state is off the chain thanks to LBJ and all of his deep state successors, and now 'migrants' are pouring across the border not to work and assimilate to American culture, but to create a permanent underclass and live off of my tax revenue.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Makes perfect sense to me.:clap It was alright, for Texas to be over-run with migrants, but when, the problem came to N.Y. it became a different story. New York declared itself, to be a Sanctuary City, now don't complain. You can't have it both ways. From what I hear, migrants are also coming to Albany. I wonder, how that's working out. ??? I actually, don't live in Albany.:appl I'm seven miles away. I'm very leery of anyone, now-a-days. I constantly see people walking past my driveway, with backpacks.:dunno2 I know, they don't come from our neighborhood. Very glad, I have a locked gate, in my driveway. :goodIf I catch you in my yard, your Trespassing. Our Local Police, enforce the Law. Thank God, for that.