Illegals & Border related


Are we to assume that NY isn't also bussing them out? The games we play with our country!

I miss the times of SANITY, before having biden as prez.


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Supporting Member 6
Stock the Rio Grande with Pirani's and broken glass in high traveled areas and snipers for the Coyote's and drug cartels!!!



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Supporting Member 6

It's never going to stop! Biden is bringing in the votes with his open border policy so the Dems can cheat on another election! And all the while the U.S. taxpayers pay for it all! The DemoRats, Mexico, the Catholics and other charitable org's even the railroads are all complicit in this and are getting FAT from it! And then you have the DemoRAT voters, that really should be going nuts as they watch their Country burn to the ground! Some are just ignorant of the fact, and the others that do know I guess this just makes them Evil and possessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
