Illegals & Border related


Going back home? America the great isn't what is used to be. Pretty bad if you want to go back to Venezuela. Now that I think about it, I think I too would rather Venezuela over Chicago!


Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
What's been the holdup on this. Biden and Mayorkas should be tried for treason.

Has anyone ever heard a democrat friend defend the open borders policy.....hell no..

Used to be I would start to type in Mayorkas' name, it would come up. NOT NOW...FRIGGIN COMMUNISTS DICKWARTS CONTROL EVERYTHING...

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When do we stop this insanity??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/



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Supporting Member 6
Wait until a few of these illegals freeze to death in the NYC weather! Biden will probably clear all the courts so they can make time to sue the $hit out of NYC and then they apply for federal aid, so break out the Vaseline/KY jelly!!
