Illegals & Border related


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Pathetically sad frikkin treasonous act caused by the DEMOCRAT PARTY.....

How about some libs defend YOUR party???
In America of the past there would be a lot of Democrap's looking for lawyers right now since the Potato took the reins and has brought our justice system down into the dark depths of Hell where all the Dem's live!!



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Supporting Member 6

YES I AM!!! Thanks, you Blithering Boob Biden!!! But he needn't worry the Whitehouse has a big azz fence around and his Delaware home has a taxpayer funded fence around it too! Plus he has a steady dedicated paycheck coming in from the Chinks and us, who could ask for more?



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Supporting Member 6

What are the chances that if Trump is reelected and the RepubeiCant's keep the House and gain control of the Senate what are the chances these Meatbag Rhinos will cooperate with Trump on sending the illegals back home? I don't think that they're up to the fight!!!



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What confuses me is Governor Abbott is supposedly fighting illegal immigration, BUT he lets this outfit come in a construct a HUGE trailer park for these illegals to live in, and it was even illegal to fly over this park and take pictures, I mean WTF!!
