Illegals & Border related


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Stupidity runs amuck!!!!! With this Country that is run by a Blithering Boob, has pulled so many pizz poor choices to govern, I would think the majority of voters in this Country both Rat and Pube voters would be ready to run Biden out of town on a rail!!!! BUT you watch this video and lousy rating and all Biden is still out in front of Trump according to them! Is this nothing more than a poor attempt of Rat propaganda or is there really that many stupid people in this Country, excluding college kids cause we know why they would vote for the Dummy!!



Stupidity runs amuck!!!!! With this Country that is run by a Blithering Boob, has pulled so many pizz poor choices to govern, I would think the majority of voters in this Country both Rat and Pube voters would be ready to run Biden out of town on a rail!!!! BUT you watch this video and lousy rating and all Biden is still out in front of Trump according to them! Is this nothing more than a poor attempt of Rat propaganda or is there really that many stupid people in this Country, excluding college kids cause we know why they would vote for the Dummy!!

Well don't forget that Hillary was beating Trump by 93%. PROPAGANDA :roll


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About Damn time Abbott is doing something about the mess! I don't see how the federal guberment can tell a state how to protect its border and the citizens that live there! Now Abbott needs to get rid of that HUGE illegal migrant park that they're building down there!!



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Daily the Rats are breaking the law against this Country and its taxpayers that can be proven through video and audio tape!!! And when the Rats fight against anything like election fraud, the southern border, spending money like drunken sailors, supporting drag queens and their community and the last but certainly not least is their Pedo rings they run, and more they fight the more it makes them look guilty! And they don't care because they have the system in this Country beat, by hook or crook and help from the Pubeicant Rhino's!!



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Stupidity runs amuck!!!!! With this Country that is run by a Blithering Boob, has pulled so many pizz poor choices to govern, I would think the majority of voters in this Country both Rat and Pube voters would be ready to run Biden out of town on a rail!!!! BUT you watch this video and lousy rating and all Biden is still out in front of Trump according to them! Is this nothing more than a poor attempt of Rat propaganda or is there really that many stupid people in this Country, excluding college kids cause we know why they would vote for the Dummy!!

The blithering boobs are the voters that put and keep these people in office. They can only do what the people allow. And the people have allowed it and continue to do so.


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This guy is an ex-Fox anchor. Ben Berquan from Real America Voice network has been detailing trips like this for quite a while now! He has a show on RAV called Law and Border that's pretty good. So let's see now, we need to imprison Biden/DemoRats, CCP, Catholic Charities, Red Cross and a host of others in this mess!! This invasion and really the Fake Jan. 6 insurgency pales in comparison to these traitors right here and is grounds for the firing squad for traitors that call America it's home! And if the DOJ/Supreme Court did its job these traitors would have a lot to answer for!!



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Yeah, NY governor Local Yokul wants fed tax dollars to bail their azzes out from their dreams of having the most bestest illegal immigrant health spa have been dashed due to fraudulent expenditures and stick it up yours!! No money for you!!!
