Illegals & Border related


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So she says it's inhumane. Lets look at it. The parents drag their kids many miles from another country mostly with no proper transportation with no money, shelter, food, no medical etc. on the way, sleeping in the woods, on the streets etc with these kids. They know when they get here, they have no job waiting, no money, no food, no shelter, no medical. But somehow it's Americas fault because they have a kid with them. How does America become responsible for parents who drag their kids here with no education, no common sense, no money, no job, no shelter, no food, no medical to a country illegally? Aren't the parents basically committing child abuse and neglect by their actions? We are not responsible for any of these people. The parents are, all parents whether they be American, illegal, legal, or anything else. The parents are responsible for their kids. Not the government, not the public. These people can go :finger:finger2 themselves.


And when did WE become the worlds protector. We can't take care of ourselves thanks to these politicians squandering away our tax dollars but we're supposed to fix the worlds problems???

We need such a change in this country and not the way obama wanted. We need a MAGA change! Start with the brainwashing biased democrats OWNED media and next the democrat party! We will never make this country great with either of them around.


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And when did WE become the worlds protector. We can't take care of ourselves thanks to these politicians squandering away our tax dollars but we're supposed to fix the worlds problems???

We need such a change in this country and not the way obama wanted. We need a MAGA change! Start with the brainwashing biased democrats OWNED media and next the democrat party! We will never make this country great with either of them around.
The liberals ( mostly anyway ) use to chant we are not the worlds police years ago. Somehow we expanded that to being the worlds pretty much everything while we still don't take care of the Americans that "Truly" need help first.


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I always thought that Piranhas would be a nice touch to add to the Rio Grandes fish population! You wouldn't even know the little suckers were there all around you as you were wading across about to commit to breaking another Countries longstanding Constitutional law!!!!!!!!!!!



Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Mark: I had two Red bellied Pacu's, in a 35 gallon tank, years ago. They are, in the Piranha's family, but are not vicious. They did have those scary teeth, though.:eek3 Can you imagine the Fake News, reporting about Killer Fish, in the water:roll I do like Dave's idea, of the Alligators.