Illegals & Border related


Thank you democrat voters! 16 million crossings since biden stole the election from Trump. (16 million more democrat voters I might add which is the reason for any of this!)



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During the debate last night when Springfield Ohio came up, they quickly tried to brush this under the rug and tried to Make Trump look like a fool when he talked about this!!!!



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WTF next??? What's a good country to move to that is not completely bat shit crazy??

The people that live in this country are a different beast! They're starving and it's being overrun by gangs and terrorist it's not a stable country, and they even practice voodoo!! Just think if Hitlery and Trench Coat Willy would have given them some of the money that they raised for the Haitians with their Clinton Foundation we probably wouldn't have them down in Springfield Ohio!!!!!



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Supporting Member 6
Some illegals do have jobs...

I'm getting sick and tired of the $hit and drugs and trash that illegals bring to our Country and I'm really getting tired of the way the Rats handle these heathons and giving them everything that's on the pantry shelfs leaving us to pay for it!!!!!!
