Illegals & Border related


Selling our country down the shitter for some votes... This guy is a TRAITOR!!!! The stolen election should have never been tolerated. (tell me again why we did?)



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Supporting Member 6
Selling our country down the shitter for some votes... This guy is a TRAITOR!!!! The stolen election should have never been tolerated. (tell me again why we did?)

To the Potato's right is Satan himself and to his left is Satan's Butt Buddy!! It looks like Satan was watching stuff run down the Potato's pant leg!!



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Supporting Member 3
I hope dr. jill gets raped so Joe can feel the pain of the people...what a fuckin maroon...give up security on the border is insanity...


Who could have ever seen this coming??? When the deaths start piling up, haul in every democrat that are responsible for this open border BS!!! Prison for every one of them!!
