Illegals & Border related


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Supporting Member 6
F-N insanity!!!

All the video evidence of illegals crossing the border by the tens of thousands, the crimes that they commit once they're here, why can't Congress obtain an arrest warrant and go and pick up Biden and Mayorkas and put them behind bars where they belong!!? Clearly there is a ton of laws that are being broken and the DOJ and the FBI just ignore anything that is brought to there attention! If we had a news media that was worth a $hit they would be beating the $hit out of Biden with questions and this would make a difference!



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Supporting Member 2
I was listening to a show today. As it was explained, the liberals and democrats ( Florida boy and his crowd ) have changed the language for illegal aliens. These people illegally enter the country, get caught, then when caught claim asylum as they were told to by you guessed it, liberals and democrats and their supporters like the Red Cross. The liberal courts then give them dates for asylum hearings. The left now claim they are migrants and no longer illegal just waiting for their court dates :dunno
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Supporting Member 6
Another appearance by the DikHead that should be in the slammer along with the Potato & thief!



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Supporting Member 6
It's a partnership the Cartels and Democrap's provide and care for these illegal's whether they're breaking the law robbing or breaking the law by invading this Country! It's as simple as stopping them at the border and the ones that slip by once they're caught you box them up and deport them no Bull$hit! The idiots need to come up with a stand-alone bill that protects the border nothing linked with it, so if the Rats reject it it's there for all to see and if the Pubes can't get this you shut the Country down!



Well Known Member
Might be time to call "open season" on these dirt bags!

I think all the laws in the United States do not apply to ANY of these Displaced Asylum Seekers. We need our govts to make ALL NEW LAWS that cover them too. It's not murder, armed robbery, assault, theft, rape, child molesting, child rape, auto theft,etc because these laws apply to Americans. I'm sure Our62 is in complete agreement.