Illegals & Border related


Too little, too late like usual! Making it look like he's fixing something that HE CAUSED!!! The damage is done now!!! Start deporting these unwelcomed free loaders!!!!!! (better yet, just let Trump fix it!)



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Too little, too late like usual! Making it look like he's fixing something that HE CAUSED!!! The damage is done now!!! Start deporting these unwelcomed free loaders!!!!!! (better yet, just let Trump fix it!)

It's way to late Biden you done Fked up big time!! The Damn near irreversible damage that you've done to just our border is only one thing you screwed up out of many of your screw ups, which you and your cronies crafted and should pay for dearly with prison time and YES, I would sign that petition and I would probably hire a Democrat to teach me the art of how to sign up dead people to sign this petition and be able get away with it! I think at this point that you could get Pelosi's husband assailant to smack Biden right on the head and he wouldn't even know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!And for this idiot to have the nuts to get up in front of a camera to address the nation and talk about it like 'Hey look at what just happened to our country, but not to worry because I'm on top of it'!!

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I wonder what would happen if when these dummies got to the Rio Grande if they found a simple warning sign saying in Spanish that this river is now stocked with Gators courtesy of Governor Abbot! :bat :bat



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I hope Trump is taking note of all these charitable organization helping these people! I would come down so hard on these outfits for crimes against the Country for helping and transporting them!



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Load them ALL up on buses and drop them off right across the Mehico border and tell them not to come back, and how you get back to your home country is on you, Biden invited you here the taxpayers didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one Black woman said that Biden didn't do enough, Biden didn't do a Damn thing but open the flood gates!! I think that most of those people speaking out at the Doofus mayor's meeting was pissed because the migrants were getting the money and they weren't, but none of these people even have a job, and the clue to this is because the one used the word reparations! But this being said I don't blame them for being pissed because these migrants are going to be starting their own hood in the city which means competition for the blacks and more inner city gun battles with a twist!!


Iowa 409 Guy

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Load them ALL up on buses and drop them off right across the Mehico border and tell them not to come back, and how you get back to your home country is on you, Biden invited you here the taxpayers didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one Black woman said that Biden didn't do enough, Biden didn't do a Damn thing but open the flood gates!! I think that most of those people speaking out at the Doofus mayor's meeting was pissed because the migrants were getting the money and they weren't, but none of these people even have a job, and the clue to this is because the one used the word reparations! But this being said I don't blame them for being pissed because these migrants are going to be starting their own hood in the city which means competition for the blacks and more inner city gun battles with a twist!!


Load them up and send them to DC.