Illegals & Border related


Hmm, guess our liberal friends near the North border (New England states) don't like illegals coming in to THEIR area! (they don't mind the hell going on in the South though I'm sure!)



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Supporting Member 18
A month ago, a Red Toyota pulls up, in front of my house. I'm behind this car, waiting to pull into my driveway. :confusedThe passenger gets out, and walks around to the trunk, and removes two full backpacks, and a large suitcase.:rolleyes He then goes into the house across the street. The family that bought the house, is renting out rooms, like a boarding house. I think he's renting to migrants. Don't know for sure.:dunno2I don't know if the other guy, works or not. A few weeks later, this person has a BMW Conv. with a glass pack exhaust. For a couple weeks, this guy is driving up and down our street, at night, enjoying his new toy, aggravating us neighbor's. :bangToday I noticed, he has a Texas license plate, on his car. I'm normally not a Nosey neighbor, but something is amiss.:dunno


By "migrant" they must mean ILLEGAL! (just correcting the title) This is what biden's open borders are doing... Wait, more coming...
