Illegals & Border related


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1958 delivery

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Two busloads of migrants were dropped off by a metro bus stop near Harris’s home in the Naval Observatory on Thursday after Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) approved the move earlier this week. At least one of the migrants, Wazir Khan, agreed with the move, saying he was told his final destination will be New York.

Mr Khan came from Venezuela, bet he didn't start from there. He'll be going on to New York for some unfinished business.





Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I believe I detect some Republican testicles growing out in the garden. IT'S ABOUT TIME. WE NEED A BUMPER CROP. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE.


Cruel political stunt....

Letting these "illegals" into the country is a political stunt too! But that's ok, democrats did that...

1958 delivery

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Supporting Member 2
DeSantis and Abbott need to rush as many bus loads as possible, quickly. You know the dems will find some liberal dem Judge to block the transport