President Trump

Iowa 409 Guy

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Quite a difference with Trump....he made his money BEFORE becoming a politician....the rest on Both Sides of the isle made theirs after. Biden has lived off of us his whole life.

I would just love to have what half of what the half white president spent on vacations.
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If I recall, obama added 10 trillion to the debt but what's a few trillion here or there? The demented bumbler in chief will probably top that easily.


Those that write the laws will never give themselves term limits. Over time, these same people have given themselves everything under the sun! They live like Royalty, exempt themselves from the laws they choose for us and are corrupt the very core!

Our system is badly flawed!


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Supporting Member 5
So when Trump goes to jail do the agents that protect him go also?
No jail time not even cuffs. He can still run for president even . Was done before with a guy in prison getting high votes. Don't believe that,, look into the history. This will backfire on dems . All the antitrumpers are stupid thinking this will will be the end for trump. I would vote for trump in a heartbeat. I know his accomplishments. Others will too. So he maybe had a one night affair, whoppie,,, who didn't . If stormy Daniels would have accused trump in public he could have actually said prove it and said I would't have touched you with a 10 foot pole and that would have ended stormy accusation. who didn't poke stormy.. Lmao.

1958 delivery

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So this is about the hush money. I don't follow anything about Trump, he's an idiot. But I don't see what is wrong with paying someone to keep their fat mouth closed?


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Supporting Member 5
And of course pelosi had to open her trap now saying trump is inviting violence by saying he will be charged.
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Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
So this is about the hush money. I don't follow anything about Trump, he's an idiot. But I don't see what is wrong with paying someone to keep their fat mouth closed?
Well I 'd like to be a idiot like him and have the money he has and property.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 5
So this is about the hush money. I don't follow anything about Trump, he's an idiot. But I don't see what is wrong with paying someone to keep their fat mouth closed?
His ex lawyer Cohen paid stormy off and trump reimbursed him. So actually trump did not directly pay stormy. Trump denied having affair with stormy in the first place,but that is not known.