President Trump


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Not only the Rats but the RepubeiKunt Rinos are taking shots at Trump after his announcement of running in 24! I fully expect these Rinos will find someone to run against Trump in 24 because you know the Rinos just want Trump to go away!



Not only the Rats but the RepubeiKunt Rinos are taking shots at Trump after his announcement of running in 24! I fully expect these Rinos will find someone to run against Trump in 24 because you know the Rinos just want Trump to go away!

Get ready for 2 years of smears, lies and BS! If Trump gets back in he better go full steam on these criminals! (action this time, not just talk)
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Iowa 409 Guy

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Written by CNN News correspond...OK then.


WOW!!! Mr. Trump is back! Sounds like some good plans:

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What the hell Ron? Yahoo news?? Are you being serious right now? You bought a black on red, 64 Impala SS 409, 4-speed new, you still have it, it's still gorgeous, you have tremendous knowledge and skill with all things mechanical, how are you baited into believing this crap?? It's all propaganda fabricated by lefties to debase orange man, and you believe it!! In the age of alternative media, and all other sources out there, friggin YAHOO NEWS!!??

My Democrat grandfather does the same s--t. He's 93, and watches main stream media every day. Hates Trump cuz main stream media told him to.
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Supporting Member 7
I heard a good idea the other day lock up Trump for his crimes on Jan 6 and trade him for Brittney Griner to Russia. I sure Putin will welcome another high level gangster to his group.

What crimes, guy? This I gotta hear:pop But but, orange man bad and the insumerrecshun!!!!
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