President Trump

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I heard a good idea the other day lock up Trump for his crimes on Jan 6 and trade him for Brittney Griner to Russia. I sure Putin will welcome another high level gangster to his group.

Trump would negotiate Putin out of his country.....

Poor Brittany....
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Well Known Member
I can't believe all this bavarderie on Yesterday's Hero: it would make Prince Harry green with envy! (No that's not Prince the dead pop star, it's Prince Harry, a Britisher who lives somewhere on the west coast). Where is Calvin Coolidge when we need him?

'61s forever!
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Well, it looks like John Bolton will run against Trump for GOP POTUS nomination 2004; he's sure to knock off both Trump and DeSantis. Bolton would be a shoe-in if Biden stands again. Can't see the Democrats' Plan B. Could be interesting.

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Grand jury forewoman...wait until Emily comes on....this country is in trouble.



Well Known Member
It’s hard to support a person who is a billionaire and pays no taxes but spends $70.000 a year on his hair.
But support a multi multi millionaire who hasnt had a public sector job since about 1970.
Trump can spend $100,000,000 a year on his hair because it's HIS money HE earned.
Biden supporters are so blinded by media hate they lost all ability to think for themselves.
Why are Democrats represented by a donkey and not a ewe? Thats a female sheep btw

Mr. Chev

Well Known Member
One has to wonder how many employees Trump has that pay taxes. Im sure as a direct result of Trump millions are paid kinda through Trump, I mean if he shut down ever and fired everyone, how much would be lost, to say he doesn’t pay taxes is straight up bullshit coming from misinformed Trump haters.
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