Clyde waldo

Ryan VanDillen

Active Member
Hi everyone. My name is Ryan VanDillen i am Clydes oldest grandson. Im sorry to announce for those that dont know already Clyde has passed away june 9th. I am going to thank everyone for him, that has help him with his dream of driving his T-Bird once again. He talked wonders of everyone on here and how much help you all have been. I will be taking on the historic car and continue to show it as he did. Nothing is set instone yet as far as visitations but if anyone would be interested i would gladly keep them informed. I personally thank all of you for your support and help with keeping his car in your group.

Thank you,
Ryan VanDillen


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Ryan, I'm very sorry to read this and thank you for letting us know. I never got to meet your grandfather, but thought very highly of him as did all of us. He will be greatly missed. It is great to hear that you will be caring for the car and still around here. Wish we were welcoming you under better circumstances. We will be praying for you and your family, especially your grandmother. Jason Starley and family.

Ryan VanDillen

Active Member
The most that we know is that he was not feeling well (just usuall sickness from a certain medicine he takes) he went and layed down and passed in his sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary from what my grandmother Ellen has said. Thank you all for your support and ill be glad to tell Ellen as well. I will check this throughout the day.

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13

We are saddened by the loss of your Grandfather and our good friend, Clyde Waldo. For those of us that were lucky enough to meet and get to know him, he was a perfect gentleman. His knowledge of things electrical and his ability to craft something out of an idea were nothing but first class. We will all miss him greatly.

Our heartfelt prayers are with you and your family at this time. Please keep us informed of the plans to celebrate Clyde's life. If there is anything you would like us help out with, just ask.


Tom Kochtanek
Columbia, MO


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Supporting Member 5
Like many folks on this site, I never met your grandfather, but I felt like I had known him a long time. He had a unique way of keeping things in perspective and passing along a lot of knowledge and common sense. Please accept our condolences and thanks for joining our group as well.

Dave Cummerow


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Supporting Member 5
Very sad news indeed.
Over the course of a lifetime we all meet some special people that make an immediate impression.
Clyde was one of those people. As Tom said,,, a perfect gentleman. To me he was the kind of guy that really suited the term "American ingenuity" He had a terrific grasp on all things mechanical and wasn't afraid to try something different, like putting a 409 in a Thunderbird.
He will be missed by all of us on this forum.
My condolences go out to all of Clyde's family and close friends.

Fathead Racing

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Supporting Member 7
Just as I have often said of another esteemed lifetime member here, Fred Totten. Knowing Clyde has made me a better man. I knew Clyde well and I have talked with his wife. God saw fit and took Clyde the best way he knew how. Clyde was indeed a diplomat in the finest sense. I will miss his imput and humor. There will always be a place at the table here for Clyde.

Regards, Ray
Fathead Racing.


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Supporting Member 15
Giny and I had Breakfast with Clyde and Ellen a few mornings at Great Bend. I had never met him before that. We never got to talk at Thompson over the years. We were very fortunate to start a friendship at Great Bend. He will be missed a lot. May he rest in Peace. God Bless him and Ellen. Our prayers go out to Ellen and the entire Waldo family.
Please post any particulars when you can.:pray:pray


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
A sad day indeed.........I am so sorry for you and your families loss.

Ryan, I am glad to hear a family member will be the future caretaker of Clyde and Ellen's "409" T-Bird. This is quite an honor. I did not know your Grandfather, like so many others on the forum I have a great respect for him, his words were always encouraging and enjoyable to read. RIP Clyde, your welcome at my campfire anytime.

mike bell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Sad news indeed!!!!!!! I first met Clyde and Ellen at THompson in 2010, I'm honored to be able to call him a"FRIEND". We were lucky enough to spend the day with him and Ellen on two occasions at his house, and take a tour of his stash as he called it( 3 barns and one big shed full of old cars, various motors,vintage speed equipment, and maybe a little junk mixed in)
Clyde will be missed by all, he was one of a kind, for sure! Please forward our condolences to Ellen and the entire family. REST IN PEACE, MY FRIEND!!!!! Prayers coming your way! Mike & Diana Bell

Don Jacks

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 3
I was blessed by being fortunate enough to have met Clyde and Ellen at Thompson the year the bird got ran into by that large truck,As Ronnie said,this is a very sad day! My senitments are the same as others have posted before me.May God bless his family,and don't be a stranger here.Clyde was loved and respected here,and will be sorely missed.Don Jacks