Chinese Coronavirus


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Supporting Member 6

This is proof that O'Bummer was a child model before he turned to a life of crime and thuggery and again puts into question about his birth certificate annnd wait for it......Communism and how to topple a Countries economy and well being in only one term.

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Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Here you go this is dated on the 21st of April if this is true we need a lynching for what they've done to this Country and this brings back to mind the other video on the forum here. Take a look at what states where the deaths are the highest and find if the Dems are controlling the state and that pretty much would be self explanatory.



Well Known Member
I just tried to make my own hand sanitizer and it came out as a rum and coke....:shaker

20 years ago, you could have sold that coke for more than the cost of a bottle of rum! If you got caught, it would be good for 20 years of isolation.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11
Here you go this is dated on the 21st of April if this is true we need a lynching for what they've done to this Country and this brings back to mind the other video on the forum here. Take a look at what states where the deaths are the highest and find if the Dems are controlling the state and that pretty much would be self explanatory.


Interesting comment made in the meeting room, " it doesn't matter we are vaccinated anyway", worth pondering for a minute.