Chinese Coronavirus

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member


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I'm so glad to NOT know anything about it! I turned off the "programming box" a long time ago. It's all like some hellish nightmare soap opera and I'm glad to be no longer a part of it. :cloud

Just think, I could have been watching and worrying about everything they said for the past 2 years and the outcome of today would be no different. Instead, this is me: :happy :laugh4

Now Bob you do realize its hard to run with your pants down around your ankles and you need to know when they're coming after you , just saying.:D



Well Known Member
"Social distancing" is meant to reduce the chance of contacting COVID-19, which is a disease. So, by definition, it will reduce the chance of catching a social disease by members of society. Social distancing replaces the 10 foot pole, but is not as effective. Political correctness wins again.