Chinese Coronavirus


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We have videos reporting that they totally diked up the figures on the virus on the Left Coast now this.

I can only say what I see where I work. We had an influx, not overwhelming although it reshaped our whole 600+ bed hospital. I don't remember there being more than 25 people with Covid confirmed in the hospital. There are always rule outs coming and going. If I read the website correctly on Sunday, we had only 2 Covid confirmed patients in the hospital, and of course rule outs that the numbers go up and down. So if it is rising, we are not seeing it in my area, or they are not bad enough to need hospitalization.


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I think they're just trying to scare the people just to slow down going back to work and to slow the economy. I would like to know how all the large meat packing places all of a sudden all the workers came down with the virus seems a tad fishy to me and the same with getting kits to test for the virus it seems to me if you can test people and you know they're virus free you can go to work ,I think there's some skullduggery going on here I don't think the Dems want us going back to work..



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Someone is lying one way or another. If they say we have PPE, then why did the Kaiser nurses not far from me do a protest saying they were forced to reuse mask that had to be cleaned? Just my opinion, but no one should have to reuse a mask weather its clean or not. Actually, no person should have to reuse a mask after entering a room at all. They are designed to be used, and thrown away. If you go to the next room or back an hour later you should have a new mask. So who is lying, Trump, the media, the nurses? Someone is. Where are all these millions per day they claim are being made?


Well if history has taught us anything, the lying would be the media and democrats. (same thing actually)

The virus is real but is clearly being blown up and USED to destroy Trumps economy. It also took the spot light off the dems lousy candidate and track records. Not even any good democrate memes these days. :cryblow


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The left says yadda yadda yadda. The right says yadda yadda yadda. And it goes on and on. The people watch their preferred ideological tv programs and believe anything their told without question. Now they want Biden even though he clearly has something going on with his health :wtf


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I just hope Trumps supporters pay no mind and stay the course to what the Dems and the news media has been saying they've been hammering Trump pretty bad about being able to test for the virus.



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I had to get tested for covid 19 today due to a surgery Monday...damned if they didn't shove a coffee stirrer type stick with a rifle bore brush on it up behind my eye sockets...I went to a drive thru so the lady had to climb up on my running board just to see me, tall truck, tiny lady...

Junkman 104

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Iowa 409 Guy

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Where do old weathermen go when they retire???

They get a job with the government on the Covid taskforce ... ......

This is BULL$HIT.:barf1