President Trump


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Supporting Member 7
Let's dissect this. Headline:

Miami Restaurant Speaks Out Over Donald Trump Not Paying for Food

They didn't speak out about anything. Newsweek misleads you with the headline per usual. Read the article.

Second paragraph:

However, according to the Miami New Times, the business tycoon left after about 10 minutes, without paying for any food.

According to a liberal newspaper lol. No one specifically, just the paper itself. Anti Trump libtard rag said it, so it must be true!! Lol.

Third paragraph:

Speaking to Newsweek by telephone, a Versailles employee replied: "Sorry, I don't know about that," when asked whether Trump had paid for any food during his visit, before hanging up.

Yeah they really spoke out on that one didn't they.


Well Known Member
Who is this Trump? Is he that funny guy on TV with the orange face. No, wait a minute, I think that's Greg Norman. It's all very confusing.


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Supporting Member 7
Lord knows I need it to stay humble. All you Orange Man Rad haters keep hitting these ground balls....Oh Trump said this, oh Trump did that. When are you gonna start swinging for the fences? I'm ready!!

Who is this Trump?

He's a state-side billionaire real estate gangsta who told Killary to her face on the debate stage that he would lock her ass up if he was president. With that statement alone he won my vote.


Well Known Member
Sheet, If Trump came in to my restaurant I would give him and his family free food after all he's done for this country in 4 years. If Biden came in I'd tell the SOB, "We don't serve your kind here" and if he asked why I'd say "We don't serve DemonRATs here, Mr. you're not my president"


Well Known Member
I don't think Greg Norman is queer. Is he? I'd be surprised! I seem to remember he holed-in-one about ten years ago for the first time, but in my book that doesn't make him a queer. No, I reject that notion.


Well Known Member

Miami Restaurant Speaks Out Over Donald Trump Not Paying for Food.​

Just a cheap stiff!!!!!!
Of 37 counts 31 are for willful retention of classified data.
Our1962 do you think Biden should be indited on each of his counts of willful retention of classified data?
BTW Biden bragged this week he has kept classified data all the way back to 1973.
Oh and your headline is not verified so is there ANY difference between that headline and SAN DIEGO WOMAN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS GIVES BIRTH TO ALIEN TRIPLET BABIES?
Love your '62 btw its perfect!!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Of 37 counts 31 are for willful retention of classified data.
Our1962 do you think Biden should be indited on each of his counts of willful retention of classified data?
BTW Biden bragged this week he has kept classified data all the way back to 1973.
Oh and your headline is not verified so is there ANY difference between that headline and SAN DIEGO WOMAN ABDUCTED BY ALIENS GIVES BIRTH TO ALIEN TRIPLET BABIES?
Love your '62 btw its perfect!!
When Biden isn't president and they find any classified doc's in his possession and the government asked for it back and he plays games like trump did YES


Well Known Member
When Biden isn't president and they find any classified doc's in his possession and the government asked for it back and he plays games like trump did YES
Trump should not have had documents.
Should Biden have had documents still in his posession since 1973?