Original owner,1961 Biscayne Fleetmaster 348/350

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Thanks for posting the links to the various photos. I laughed when you stated: "Some day I'll probably make it into a Super Duty clone.Operative word is SOMEDAY. Maybe. Guys,my plate is full right now with cars and houses."

Pretty much sums up my plate as well! I had the pleasure of connecting up with a fellow in Ohio who had raced 1962 Pontiacs back in the day, I think he had six of them and two were outfitted as SDs. I guess you'd be putting in a 389 if you wanted to stay correct for 1961? That is if you were trying to stay "period correct".


The Runaway

Well Known Member
Hi Tom As soon as I can I'll post a pic of the original invoice of the Biscayne and the original salesman order form. I also have a few pics of me racing at Union Grove,Wisc in 1961. Pre army. The engine for the Pontiac will in all likelyhood be the engine that's in the car now but with much different internals. This way the casting numbers will be right for the block but I'm leaning towards Edelbrock aluminum heads for power.It's a project that has low priority right now. I have a couple of other cars that are in various stages of restoration right now and I want to get the '66 2+2 done before next spring/summer.If you hear of anyone who might have emblems for the 2+2 please let me know. I need the 421 fender emblems,the 2+2 1/4 panel emblems and the dash tach. That's what I know what I'll need right now.More to come later as I get into it.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Here is a photo of an old junk yard i found back in the 80s about 30 miles from me, the guy was a Pontiac nut with lots of 2+2 421 GTO cars out back he even had 1962 421 super duty aluminum front end car ware he kept the hood in his kitchen.. I had never seen so many rare Pontiacs in one place I bet they would have had the emblems you’re looking for. But the guy past away and they Crushed :cuss every thing in the yard what a shame

mopar 326 (Small).jpgmopar 328 (Small).jpgmopar 327 (Small).jpg

The Runaway

Well Known Member
Here is a photo of an old junk yard i found back in the 80s about 30 miles from me, the guy was a Pontiac nut with lots of 2+2 421 GTO cars out back he even had 1962 421 super duty aluminum front end car ware he kept the hood in his kitchen.. I had never seen so many rare Pontiacs in one place I bet they would have had the emblems you’re looking for. But the guy past away and they Crushed :cuss every thing in the yard what a shame

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Thanks for the pics. I'ld like to see a pic of your '61

The Runaway

Well Known Member
I would be interested to see the original factory invoice.
I posted some old pics of the Runaway racing in 1961 and a pic of how it looked when I retired it from racing in 1967. Been in the garage ever since. I uploaded the original documents but I can't seem to get them loaded. It keeps telling me "invalid file". I'll have to get help from someone who knows what they're doing with computers.

The Runaway

Well Known Member
Welcome to the site.

I 've heard some Fleetmasters had no Rear Seat.

Pictures would be great.

The Nomad too. I used to have a '56.

pics from racing in 1961 and last pic of how the car looked in 1967 before going into the garage for a long,long nap.


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Supporting Member 2



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
If you have your pics open in photobucket, right click on the picture you want to post, then left click on Copy Image Location. They come here, open a new post, then left click on the little green symbol above where you type (if you hover over it with the cursor, it will pop up "insert/edit image"). That will open a new small window, delete anything in the line you can type in, then paste the image link there (by right clicking, then left click on "Paste".

Nice big rear tires on that thing, a few wires hanging down, and a big scrape on the back, looks like you were having lots of fun.


The Runaway

Well Known Member
If you have your pics open in photobucket, right click on the picture you want to post, then left click on Copy Image Location. They come here, open a new post, then left click on the little green symbol above where you type (if you hover over it with the cursor, it will pop up "insert/edit image"). That will open a new small window, delete anything in the line you can type in, then paste the image link there (by right clicking, then left click on "Paste".

Nice big rear tires on that thing, a few wires hanging down, and a big scrape on the back, looks like you were having lots of fun.

Don that's not a scrape on the back. It's just a reflection. Car never ever had any damage of any kind. Looks like a dent in the 1/4 also but that to is only a reflection. The tires are M&H Racemasters and I still have them in a rack in my garage.The wires were hanging down as I had just pulled the engine and took the bumpers off. I was planning on taking it back to factory stock back then but I always found myself getting sidetracked with work and house projects.