Illegals & Border related


Well Known Member
If the left accuses Abbot of human trafficking then Abbot has the leftists by the balls on that issue to go after Biden for the same thing. Good for Abbot stuffing it up their azzes.

1958 delivery

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Supporting Member 2
I guess they're not illegals any longer if they are let in and then transported to the city of their choice, shake hands upon departing from bus and put up in a luxery hotel, given I.D.'s and some money and free to roam about. New York was going to let them vote also. I think the word is out down south that they are treated very well upon arrival in this country-encouriging millions more to make the trip northward




Well Known Member
Dont forget our medical infrastructure will be demolished by the influx of medical issues because every govt, hospital and other money sucking institution will send the patients here. Its free health care AND FOOD AND HOUSING,ETC All those cancers, viruses, diseases and other medical procedures will be done here because ITS FREE.
1776-2020 RIP

Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
I wonder if these liberal city's aren't loading them up and bussing them elsewhere? (or maybe will yet?) We can just keep moving them all over the place? (except back over the border!!) :facepalm

Thanks you gave them an idea....


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Supporting Member 6
I think Abbot is helping Biden out by busing these people, now they don't have to rack their pee brains & draw straws as to where to send them and the Texas taxpayers paid for the freight!



I don't see it that way. These liberals like the open borders, THEY should have to take care of them. Flood the liberal city's with them so the rest of us don't have to deal with it. :p


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Supporting Member 6
Any way you want to look at it the taxpayer will get stuck with paying for it, and just because the bus didn't stop in your state doesn't mean that our Federal tax dollars aren't going to get sucked in for paying for it.
