Chinese Coronavirus


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2017.... Over 926,000 deaths by abortions in the US. WTF

Not to make light of this sickening statistic but if you want to give the DemaRats a HemAstat attack remind them that tis practice that they sponsor is possibly killing DemORat voters .



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Supporting Member 3
my neighbor earl had a pool party with dozens of kids running around screaming, dumb ass...:yikes...I stayed in my shop with the sounds blaring...


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Supporting Member 3
I was watching the news last night where they were discussing how blacks are twice as succeptable to covid 19 than whites are, a genetic predisposition I think like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure...go figure, earl is black obama forgave 250,000 of his home debt because the poor black man was hoodwinked by some dastardly white man with fannie mae or freddy mac guys remember how barry gave solyndra (sp.) corp. 200 million bucks for the first tarp stimulus along with many others...well earl got 20 million due to his ethnic disability because he had pole trucks he bought at auction...sombitch used 10 million to build his 20,000sf. house 12' from my eastern border...lucky for me I have a quarter mile of heavy bamboo along that side of my property...sorry for the rant, can you tell i'm pissed off a bit...ignoring the pandemic costs all of us...

Junkman 104

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