Chinese Coronavirus

Junkman 104

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Just another example of America being porked. This is a little off subject, however I understand why some farmer's sell their farms to anyone they can get money from. Year's ago, farmers in one of the areas I lived in felt they needed to sell off their farms. The farmers were losing money then, and going into foreclosure's ( remember Farm Aid ? ) The farmers wanted to have the land rezoned so they could sell their land to home developers. However people complained and it wasn't allowed. So the farmer's lost their lands to foreclosures and the bank with more political clout got the land rezoned and sold it to the home developer's anyway. The end result was the same. The only losers were the farmers who owned the land.


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I dont even know what other products to buy

As of July 2017, the company's brands included Armour, Berlinki, Carando, Cook's, Curly's, Eckrich, Farmland, Gwaltney, Healthy Ones, John Morrell, Krakus, Kretschmar, Margherita, Morliny, Nathan's Famous, and Smithfield.[17] In 2019 it introduced Pure Farmland, a plant-based brand of soy burgers and meatballs.[47][48]


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I've been trying to find out where Walmart and Sam's Club house brands are coming from 98% of the time its distributed from Arkansas and that's all it says. When Sam's sends me a e-mail asking for a satisfaction report and in the comments I tell them if I ever find out your food product house brands are coming from China I'll drop you like a hot potato but I never get a reply from them.



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I've been trying to find out where Walmart and Sam's Club house brands are coming from 98% of the time its distributed from Arkansas and that's all it says. When Sam's sends me a e-mail asking for a satisfaction report and in the comments I tell them if I ever find out your food product house brands are coming from China I'll drop you like a hot potato but I never get a reply from them.

Like most business's, they are in the money and information taking game. Not the giving game. Unless a very large portion of their customer base affects their pocket book, they could care less if you go away or not. I find it absolutely ridiculous when companies run commercials telling people how much they care about the people or customers, or how we are all family. Lots of that going on right now. If you believe that load of crap I got this really nice orange colored bridge I will sell you. Low maintenance, very little use.
For Sale.jpg


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Yeah you remember a few years back when Wally World got their tits caught in the wringer from all the Chink crap they sell . People made a big stink about it and just like everything else it blows over and people forget about it and just look at where we are today.



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Must be pretty lonely and desperate people who believe in, or need the love and caring from a business instead of family and friends.:doh


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Gives a whole new meaning to the lights all went out in Massachusetts. Looks like a cross between Mochelle and Barry Gibb. :confused

Hey Hey Hey Barry Gibb cares a Hell of a lot more for our Country than this sasquatch does as it sits out there on the very rich side of the East coast enjoying itself from the spoils of what it and its Beech screwed the U.S. taxpayer out of.:finger

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Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15
21 cases and 1 death in my county. This lock down is bill$hit. Right now the libs are dancing in the halls because the virus is doing what they couldn't accomplish....take down Trump. They only care about their agenda, not the people of this country. Is the sky really falling????

Looks like the track owner at Norwalk, Bill Bader Jr, isn't taking any more of it. There is a 25 minute video of him speaking about his plans. Very well spoken. I wish him well. It is different that the link posted.
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