
63 dream'n

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Supporting Member 4
I know they had a hot rod version ….I don’t remember if it was called a gulf…??…… I want to say they were turbo..?? but I can remember traveling down Highway 27 in Fort Benning at about 110 miles an hour on my interceptor and I had that gulf or GTI…..??……rabbit whatever it was go flying by me like I was sitting still…….


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Supporting Member 2
Patina is a big deal…….not for me either….!!! Alex Taylor and her father….. mostly the father…… built this 55 from a shell of a car. Stripped it down…. Then hand formed from molds he made…. Doors trunk lid hood doors….. he is an incredible builder(fabricator)
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Awesome, so what's it running engine wise! looks to be turbo'd.

Dä Huäbär

Well Known Member
The Volkswagen Rabbit is her in Europe the VW Golf . First com out in 1973 with 50HP . now its the 8.series , in the top version with 245HP . In 1976 com out the GTI , your Rabbit . Its the top version on all series .
In Switzerland is the Golf one of the most seen cars on the streets . I make my driverlicense in 1982 on a Golf Diesel with 45HP :mock


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Supporting Member 3
No family she’s LONG gone, high school fling only but I still have a Honduras Maroon 62 SS so if you are referring to the family being me and my 62 yes you are right Lol not the same car but another one I bought in 1988
I was noticing all the chevys in the background, but really not sure except the 65/66