It's what's for supper

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Just west of the Cedar River is the sand pit. I was fishing in the west pond up by the road. To the west a half mile or so is one of the quarries I sold 2 years ago. Just west of that is a pond that is the quarry we closed in 1984. I stocked it with fish and caught some of the biggest crappies of my life there. My house and shop is just east of the blue dot that marks the xmas lite display. If you pan upriver to where it says Barrets Cutoff there is an island that is several hundred acres. Shot many deer there in the past. Did a lot of boating, fishing, and drinking beer on that old river. Spent many weekends camping at the sand pit and burnt a lot of gas pulling the kids on water skis.........They pretty well grew up down there on the weekends.,35y,7.29728714h,26.87500651t,360r
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