
Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
That Altered is pretty special, I bet it's a hoot to pilot!

Ray (Fatride) will like that 1960, and get you to plop a "W" back in place :) :) :).

Welcome aboard!


Bub6le 2op

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
WIIIILLLLSSSSOOONN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COME ON IN ..........HANG ON............THIS IS ONE SCARY RIDE .............YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT...these guys are great, and have a lot of knowledge and parts if you need em, welcome to the site great looking vehicles you have there.

Last 60

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Welcome Wilson!!!! Good to see another '60 on the forum, but you just HAVE to get a 348 back in there!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, both cars are very nice! (From another old fart that will be 74 next month)



Well Known Member
Wow, nice ride Fathead - I would love to get a "W' back into the car. I keep looking for a 409, but it is not like they are on every corner. If I find one I can afford, I will for sure jump on it. All my buds want me to put a big block in the car. The only big block going in the car will be a 409, did I mention out to a 427? I always keep a few Benjamin's tucked away just in case I run across one so I can secure the deal.

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
You can locate a 348 a lot quicker than a 409 and for less dollars, but you can spend the same amount on both when rebuilding. Either way, you will have that "W" look as opposed to the SBC or BBC look, which is a bit more common (huge understatement!) :).

Where are you located. We have members all over the country and beyond.



Well Known Member
Tom - I am located in Salt Lake City... I totally agree there is nothing like opening the hood of an early Chevy and seeing a 409/348 motor.... It is just the Shizzle!!!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
:welcome2 Great cars! Like Tom said, a 348 would be a much cheaper and easier to find core. You can build 434+ cubic inches from one. Nothing at all wrong with that.

Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Welcome Wilson!!!! Since Mike has reccomended you....we won't have to spend money on a background check! !!!!! This is a fairly new requirement as you will learn a lot of guys here got past that!!!!
Crap! Background check?? Nobody told me about no back ground check. Looks like I have to move again......


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
Welcome to the zoo ! We are in Boise and there are a couple of members in SLC area too.


Jeff Olson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2

Shop looks a lot cleaner than the last pics you posted......:poke


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
I think that from now on all "senior citizens " over 70 on this site should be known as "MISTER OLD FART"
Thank you !!!!:D:appl:salute