To all my Republican Friends


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Supporting Member 6
Even worse is that they're trying to push this gender garbage onto children. Ever see pics from "pride" parades or the propaganda posted in schools? I don't think I would be allowed to post those pics here and it's mostly adults frequenting this site. It's appalling.

I am completely stupefied that this is going on and is allowed to go on without someone getting their bag kicked around the block! It's not new that we do have some weird people on 'God's Green Earth', but this crap I had no idea that this was lurking in the dark corners! And I guess it's to be expected that the Rat party fully condones all these sick perverts!



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Supporting Member 2
There are lots of things I like about Alice Cooper, but I am not convinced he is a republican. I hope he is, I hope I am wrong, but I need more evidence before I believe it. Too many things for too many years. However, maybe he is just closer to the middle like I am. I guess as long as we still fall to the right side I guess I can give him some slack.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
There are lots of things I like about Alice Cooper, but I am not convinced he is a republican. I hope he is, I hope I am wrong, but I need more evidence before I believe it. Too many things for too many years. However, maybe he is just closer to the middle like I am. I guess as long as we still fall to the right side I guess I can give him some slack.

I'd cut Alice some slack waaaay before West that guys a freakazoid,I mean what can you say about a guy that caught Dr, Jills eye? And being our fearless leader has a likeness of the duo in his moniker has to say thumbthing!!



Well Known Member
The insanity is everywhere. We're supposed to believe: the economy is great, there are many genders, one gender can become the other, illegal immigrants are merely "migrants", Biden/Harris is the most popular administration in US history with "81 million votes", we need to become involved in new wars to prevent wars, Jan 6 was the worse day in our nation's history since the Civil War...