This may be my goodbye 409s


Well Known Member
I'm in the hospital and since I see an Introduction but not a Goodbye 348-409s I write here. This may be one of my last login here or anywhere. I'm a and hope only spinal cord injury guy here in a wheelchair with a 409 64. Because I didn't take my 2 small pressure sores seriouse enough the one in my right leg went from a dime size to a large orange size in 7 to 8 days. Back to the issue, I thought I was coming to get scolded but this infection went to my bone already. Thought I was here for a few hours and that was Monday morning. I was trying to figure out why so many tests and questions had no answers. Especially "when do I leave?" Today I was told and it seems I have the infection already a the bone and went from a half ass 5 to a 2 or less. Maybe its the shock or maybe be this is good bye my feloow Ws. Erik, Ernesto or Neto as I was callede all 3. I'll be back by Tuesday if alive but if no answers, you know.


Well Known Member
Ronnie, trying to send you a message but don't find how. Send me a message Ronnie so I can respond to you.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11
Ernesto, what a bummer, you sound like a realist, don't give up you have to get back in that 64.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Ernest,keep the faith Buddy.Hope all works out for you,and the next time we hear from you is after you have taken that awesome 409 ,1964 Impala Convertible for a ride.You'll be in my thoughts and Prayers.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
You will be in our hearts and prayers... Keep you head up and as Dave said: "remember attitude can make a huge difference !"

We'll be praying for you and your famly...



Well Known Member
It took me like 45 minutes to write my last post and I was going over my my spelling when I some how errased it. I'm out of ICU since last night. Looks good and I think i'll get out alive. Will write later. Thank you all

Brian Thompson

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2

If you need ANYTHING, please let me know. I am truly sorry to hear about this and hope you come out of it ok.
