The Wisdom of Kamala Harris


If we didn't have a democrat owned media, maybe someone would have asked him face to face on the air about those "accomplishments". Make that creep explain himself for all to see. Nobody holds these people accountable for anything!!!!


Well Known Member
What an incredibly stupid human being. I will have to rely on members of this Forum for input concerning Kamala's incoherent discourse. I refuse to listen to the stupid bwitch's cackling and nonsensical babbling any longer. What a dingbat doofus! Our founding fathers are rupturing their aortas in disbelief that such a profoundly ignorant person can be President and Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful country on the face of the earth.
She is clueless as to the hard, real-world political, economic and military requirements for this Country to prosper and survive. As President, the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon will eat her alive. The Ayatollah of Iran is laughing his ass off at her incompetence. And North Korean's Un is licking his lips, hoping she will become President.



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Polls are just that, polls. Subject to change. But, I saw one this morning I hope changes soon. This particular poll has Harris ahead of Trump in 4 swing states. Considerably ahead in one of them. I hope the GOP takes notice and has a good game plan. Only going to get one chanced at this, Carmine.


Polls are just that, polls. Subject to change. But, I saw one this morning I hope changes soon. This particular poll has Harris ahead of Trump in 4 swing states. Considerably ahead in one of them. I hope the GOP takes notice and has a good game plan. Only going to get one chanced at this, Carmine.
Just remember they said hillary was beating Trump by 94% or some such BS. I don't believe in these polls very much. It's just another political gimmick to sway voters. Politics is nothing but lies and BS and we get to pay for it all.
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