President Trump


Well Known Member
Or they consider the harassment and resulting lawyer fees he has to pay punishment enough. Tax dollars pay prosecutor wages so money is no object...or morality


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 7
Yup. These idiot 'indictments' keep Orange Man Rad in the spotlight. It's fantastic. They try to destroy the guy and make him stronger every time they try this crap. I'm sure these new charges are legit just like that rubber stamped warrant to raid Mar A Lago that turned up NOTHING. Lol.

Soros funded DA. That's all I need to hear.


When are the republicans going to go after the bidens and other criminal democrats?? All I see is endless hearings and investigations on everything under the sun with NO RESULTS! WTF????

I wonder if Trump regrets not going after his enemies now? They certainly don't mind going after him non stop.


I got this one. If you are a demoCRAP, it's ok to do anything you want because nobody will hold you accountable, EVER!