OK, here's a question for the ages.


Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 18
Dave: Yoko was a No Talent, drag on the Beatles. :madShe's mostly responsible, for their breakup. Don't know, what drugs John was on, but they must have been strong, to keep her around.:dunno2 I'm only "Racist" when it comes to certain people.:good


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Not sure how much Yoko had to do with the Beatles breaking up. I think they were breaking up already, and she exacerbated and helped expedite the situation. However, she is another thing all together. The only reason we know her name is because of Lennon. Another example of a no talent wacked out liberal. Just an opinion though :D

Iowa 409 Guy

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Supporting Member 15

La Hot Rods

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 16
Wife scored some ZZ Top tickets from the locale radio station. They were playing in what I would call a ditch below the MU Tiger foot ball stadium. They had a fence for the free ticket up on the hill, Elle and I got up to fence and danced and enjoyed, then some security guy tried to tell us that we should set down so the people behind us could see. I told the guy I didn't come to a concert and not dance and **** off, if he had a problem with that he could give us a seat up stage that had paid seats that the people just sat on there ass then it would have been more energy for the band if the crowd was having fun. :guitar:rimshot

Saw them 35 years ago...