Newbie from down under


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Welcome Newbie from down under. Boys around here are into puppie's breath, not that sheep stuff.:crazy:welcome:back



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 11
Hey Cookie, welcome to the most informative group you could find.

Now on the subject of lamb/sheep, remember Kiwi's have the white fluffy sheep and we have the dirty grey brown sheep.
I like my sheep as loin chops, chump chops and roast legs.

If you know anyone over there that has a 348/409 block and caps that they don't need flick me a PM. ( preferably late 58 up )


PS we love Pic's


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Hey LMBRJQ 60 I see you are from CHCH, I will be landing there Friday night, coming over to check out your sheep
I can post my cell number if you want to have a catch up and a beer?

Just give me a call 021800124 when you get here or from an international phone its +6421800124

Give me a call when you wake up on saturday morning

How long are you here for?

Hey Cookieboy,
Welcome to a way wicked site and some bunch of way crazy:crazy but totally awesome people:clap just filled with a whole bunch of Albert Einsteins on 348-409 /chevs:think.
Hate to say but the sheep are all shaun this time of year but plenty of young ones out there:laugh.

Steve, if you are catching up with cookieboy, give me a call and I'll cruz over with you, maybe we can entice him to come places and we might be able to throw a "SHRIMP" on DA BarB":roll at one of our places or just a couple of quiets.
