new member from south carolina

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
I had the pleasure of seeing it this August when Candy & I stopped by Dave's on the way to the 348-409 shootout at Eddyville, IA. I think I sat on it when Dave wasn't looking!!!!!

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
I didn't even ask Phil. However should the conversation come up?

FOR SALE? It almost was this summer. I found a 47 FL that won the show at J&P Cycles in Anamosa , Iowa this Spring. Looked just like ours, only nicer and a 74 CI. Mary and I rode over to the show with some friends. I spotted that bike and the next thing I saw was the "for sale" sign on it. This was before the judging. I looked around for the owner as there was no phone number. We left after a couple of hours of drooling around there. A few days later I planted the seed in Mary's head about buying the FL and selling my El. I nudged her again in a few days and she fell for my sweet talk. I bought her the El years ago for her birthday and she had problems starting it and using the foot clutch and hand shift, therefore I had to ride it for her all these years. She said ok so I called J&P for info about the owner of the bike. Explained that to protect the owner from a scammer/thief that they could give him my phone or email addy. Nothing happened so I went down the list of the other winners in the show in hopes of finding the owner of the Fl. After weeks of doing the end run I finally got ahold of the owner and set a date to go see the bike. It was about a 5 hour ride so Mary and I were going to ride the bikes there. We got a couple of miles from home and her 2002 Fat Boy had some problems so we did not make the trip. I called the guy and told him we would come another time. In the meantime I got to thinking about the old kicking knee full or arthritis and about wore out, swelling up, ect. and kind of backed off. I finally called the guy again and asked some more questions. He said he had not started the bike for at least 3 years and that the motor had 10 to 12 k on it. I'm thinking--------time for an overhaul.... Anyhow after selling our Kunck I was going to have to give this guy 13K more if I got the price I though ours was worth, which was not the biggest hurdle. I got to thinking how good our Knuck starts and runs and what kinds of mechanical problems I could be getting into with the show bike. Our bike doesn't look as good but I can depend on it mechanically. I rode our Knuck over 600 miles to the 95th Harley reunion in Milwaukee in 1995 and back with no major problems. The low alcohol light did come on a few times though. That's my story and i'm sticking to it. Sorry, I kind of hijacked the original post.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
We are planning a Southeastern get together in Chattanooga, TN this spring...probably April. We would love to have you join us.