My Town Made The News....Again.

Junkman 104

Well Seasoned Member
Well take a look at these crazy protesters yesterday against taking the billboard down. Just a disclaimer I was there but missed the group photo. The wife was in the truck across the parking lot of the gas station waiting for me to get my 24 pack of beer.


Here is what the gun store replaced it with. Even the FBI is involved with it over the store owners death threats. Bless those peace loving liberals asses!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
So who do you think is behind the death threats? Could it be the mule toothed one with the deer caught in the headlights retread from south of the Rio Grande or maybe the transplanted Somali for a little extra different flavor or your plane everyday ho hum foul mouthed Michigan Muzzie or last but not least the horse of a different color the one that's not related to Elvis, or is it a group effort? We need to start a poll on the issue!!



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
I guess the courts rule pretty fast if you are a person from the left that feels offended. You really don't believe that someone from the all inclusive, completely non violent, peace loving left would threaten to kill anyone do you? Seems to me I have heard of a religion of peace very similar to democrats and liberals, however I could be mistaken :dunno2