I'm new! And need help decoding my 1963 Impala


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Supporting Member 15

Joe R.

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Very cool! I appreciate the support and encouragement from every body. I hope we can pull this off!


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Very nice story and your kid looks very excited too. Teach him how to sand.........

The family can probably get a title from your state? If they have records back that far. Maybe the plates were on it and traceable?


Joe R.

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Thanks! Hope to keep it forever. I spent most of today on this website! I'm reading all of the project threads and getting very excited! I don't know if I can take this car to the level of some of the beautiful builds here, but I will do my best. Honestly, I just want to have fun, spend some valuable time with my son and create some memories.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Thanks! Hope to keep it forever. I spent most of today on this website! I'm reading all of the project threads and getting very excited! I don't know if I can take this car to the level of some of the beautiful builds here, but I will do my best. Honestly, I just want to have fun, spend some valuable time with my son and create some memories.
Start a build thread and if you have any questions just ask. There are lots of folks here that can help you through any issues you may come across. It's great your son is going to be invloved in the project. He will learn a lot and it will be great time spent together. Just keep reminding him of the smile your both going to have when you finely take it for the first ride...:brow

63 dream'n

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 4
Great story,great find,great persistence........I wish you and your son all the luck in the world to see it through.the bond you'll experiance,the determination,ambition,skills to be gained,attention to detail are all attributes that will benefit him,the rest of his life.......Good luck