I had no idea where to put this.


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just came in from my shop...my shithead neighbor from brazil was shooting guns Sunday out back...today I go behind my '62 SS only to find bullet holes in the OH door, right rear quarter back seat, and divers seat...it seemed deliberate but when the cops show up I can prove by the trajectory it came from where he and his illegal brown friends were shooting...one round hit my back porch door frame as well...lets see what the cops have to say...God damn illegals live in tents and use portolets...this country is going down the shitter...I doubt the cops will do anything...


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I'm awaiting contact from the detectives, I told them I intent on prosecuting the asshole and am pushing for jail time...he also hit my home so that's a charge of shooting into an occupied dwelling...


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Supporting Member 3
thanks Jeff...this guy has called code enforcement who told me to ignore him, had me trespassed for walking over to welcome him to the hood, called the health department cause he doesn't like me having hogs in legal zoning...he will retaliate so I'm prepared to do what I must...