Gas prices!


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Supporting Member 3
Around here it is called the good old boy network. J B Hunt, Tyson and Wal Mart all have one thing in common. Nothing is illegal as for as they are concerned, all employees are to be paid as little as possible, and all politicians are their lackies. Wal Mart got a law passed in Ark. that has a schedule for workmans comp. [i.e.] you lose a finger you get 500 dollars, lose a leg you get 25,000 etc. My daughter worked for them and there was an accident and her knee was shattered. It made a cripple out of her for life. She went to two different attorneys and both said we will get you set up for life. After meeting with the workmans comp arbitrator and Wal-Mart attorneys they came back with their tails between their legs and my daughter got 9000 dollars and barred from working at Wal-Mart for life. We fought the revoluntionary war over less injustices than these companies do to the people of the USA and Canada. My daughter now walks with a cane and cannot climb stairs but she can't collect social security and so she stays at home and makes the best of it. Just remember when you get that great bargain at Wal Mart or cheap Tyson's chicken it comes at the cost of the employees.:cuss Roy


I seem to remember a two term uselessness of a President, whom messed this country right up, always walked around with his pants down around his ankles, wife that is now messing New York up, both from Arkansas, and a pal of theirs from Tennessee (NO bad feelings about other Tennesseans) whom rightfully lost an election for his pal's job, then whined and pouted about it, sore loser. G-O-B Network in full action.

It doesn't take a bunch of people to make a state bad, look at the difference in those two states mentioned above (full of normal, great people, but just a handful of others whom messed it up), and where I live, California (with an over-abundance of self-interest people messing it up, and not very many normal, clear thinking people left in it), over run with self-righteous doo gooders, known as liberal democrats, whom want every illegal alien made an instant citizen, give all of them LEGAL driver's licences, so they will vote to keep the fat, bloated entitlement welfare state and those democrats that created it, same, and then, make it worse, overtax those whom are still just barely holding onto a job, to give it all away to the ones whom refuse to work, so those layabouts will vote for those whom stole the funds and give them away haphazardly. We keep hearing how much the Illegal Alien population here contributes to paying their fair share of income taxes, I just wonder how this is possible, as without a valid Social Security number, you can't get a legal paycheck here. I've never seen an illegal alien get a paycheck, just paid under the table, from NOT having a social security and/or green card, and those people DON'T PAY INCOME TAXES, federal or state.

The candidate that wants his boss's job out here, Cruz Bustamante, is still an active member of Mecha, which supports Reconquista, the return of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, to the federal control and land mass area of Mexico, and the total elimination of every non-hispanic from those states, refuses to come out in opposition to Mecha. Mecha is still active, very active and has always been a radical militant organization that has in the past, and still does physically attack those non-hispanics they encounter whom disagree with them.

The question here, which is now NO JOKE is, will be be governed by Mexico, or Austria, when this recall is done?

We really need Tom McClintock, none of the others.

When are all of us going to take a stand against these people whom simply promise us the world, then get into power and put the s c r e w s to us? Time to get going, and get the job done, is right now!


Supporting Member 1
Ignitionman,I used to live in Claremont and work in City of Industry for 20 years and I remember an often uttered phrase that Medi-Cal was northwest Mexico's favorite health plan. I couldn't handle the sheer goofiness of So.Cal any more what with the SCAQMD running all of the businesses out and the screwy fees on everything etc.... All of those "visitors" sucking up the social "programs" overloading the schools,Hospitals and so forth are why California is 38 billion in the hole. Vote accordingly. :(