Gas prices!


Well, you knew this post was coming... So how much are you being raped for gas these days? Today, a station in my area (Pa.) went up .14 cents! That's in 1 day! (1.55 to 1.69-and that's the cheap stuff) Only a few weeks ago, this same place was at 1.29.

I don't think I'll bother driving the 409 much for the rest of this year. (or any of my cars for that matter)


And, the usual oil company B/S claims it is because of an Iraqi pipeline that was sabotaged, cutting off just over one million barrels of oil exports per day, that had NO effect on us anyway. What a crock, as is all oil company dealings, just something more to gouge the gasoline users. Blinding greed and all.

It's coming up on Labor Day, one annual oil company overpricing period and rip-off. Happens every year, only the excuse changes per event.


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Regular is almost two bucks here !!!

Thanks George !! You S**T Head !!

They creap it up and hold steady for a while so we will get used to it,,,,Then a quick jack up to piss us off !!

Then lower it a bit to shut us up,,,,,then it starts all over again,,,


Well this is the highest it's ever been in my area in history! I've never seen it go over 1.59 until now. Maybe one day we will look back and think this is cheap?

I for one am cutting down on using gasoline. I'll do my part.


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About a year ago someone started a boycott of BP (I think) and its other companies. The problem with this is it hurts the retailers much worse than the refiners. Excess product is just rerouted to other branded and non-branded outlets so it gets pumped anyway - just from a different hose - while the boycotted franchise owner is taking it in the shorts.

Maybe a message could be sent if the whole nation didn't buy gasoline for a week. But right, that's gonna happen and the retailers would really get stung. Still, even the threat of it starting on a certain date would cause a commotion. Any bad boys out there that need a project? Kind of fun to watch the markets on those days.

If any one thing demonstrates the worst of business, this is it. It also describes the worst kinds of people in business. My theory is no one really gets away with anything and some folks have dark futures. I just wish my theory would kick in a little more often.

Fabric Master

Active Member
Seems to me there are a few gas companies that don't import, solely American. Anyone know who they are? If there is such a animal, just buy American. Maybe Shell????:confused:


The news last night said the blackout affected prices. Detroit was out of power quite a while and apparently, a majority comes from there. (at least routed) so when they went down, others rerouted to take up the shortage, thus raising the demand-AND PRICE!

perhaps i'll look into that electric car again? I could get the tax break if I did. haha


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gas prices

went up last night another dime. Now $1.759. Been a long time since I saw that.
According to the oil companies, the least little thing triggers a price increase. Hope Aunt Nellie doesn't get a hang nail in the next few months. Gas would go to $3.00 per gallon! Some of their excuses are a little far fetched to me. Heard one avbout the Iraqi pipe line being blown up. Caused price increase. BS. That pipe line wasn't sending any oil for months. Price was down. They start it up, gets blown up, and prices jumped. I hate to bash business. I ran one. But, these excuses are LAME. Incredible. Some of them really stretch the imagination. I hate to think they think we are really dumb or ignorant enough to believe them.
Sorry, but this is the one business, along with utilities, that have no common sense. They take us for morons.



We could stand back and look at the big picture....poilitics, environmentalists, technological advancements. All these affect change. As a civilization we are heading for that change. Some day, cars won't run on gasoline, but how do we make that change as painless as possible??

By taking one step at a time. We are early in the change at this point, only getting us used to the idea that fossil fuel is becoming a nuisance. (By high prices, threatened shortages...) tomorrow, 5% will own an electric-hybrid car, day-after 10% and so on...

When fuel-cells are manufactured on a Ford assembly line, we'll be in that change. Just remember 100 years ago or more. Imagine what people though about today.

Fabric Master

Active Member

I think the petro companies know they can get away with short term sky high prices, but I really think the car makers setting on a lot full of 4 wheelers and rv's will raise hello with the government which in turn regulates the economy, which with all the new taxes, pays for the armed forces which is costing us a bunch because we are still in that sand trap. What is the cost per gallon of gas, before they add in state and FEDERAL tax? Whats wrong with Mexican oil? Oh, I remember, that's not controled by our government. $1.78 today, northern Ohio. :cuss


Well Known Member
$1.59? $1.79 a gallon?

You guys'd be screaming bloody murder if you were paying my prices...

Down the street - $2.13 a gallon. Was just in S.F. today - Saw $2.39+ a gallon. Haven't seen it below $2 in about a week; and still climbing.

Why is this stuff not regulated? We've got price controls on every other damned thing, but not on gasoline!:cuss

Haven't even been able to take the 64 out of the garage yet this month, and it REQUIRES premium (roughly $2.35+ a gallon now) and gets MPG in the single digits...:eek:


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gas prices

The following refiners have not bought Middle Eastern oil in the past and I think this list is still accurate. Apparently I was wrong about the BP boycott in the earlier post or the people that tried to start it were.

Citgo, Sunoco, Conoco, Sinclair, BP/Phillips, Hess

Remember that if companies that do not import oil from the Middle East see an increased demand, they will buy the excess created by a boycott from those that do. Nevertheless, it sends a message.

If you want to learn all about the petroleum markets, check out or specifically

$1.859 in Denver today for 91 octane.


It isn't any of those reasons, it is the oil comopany executive's wife, whom says "Oh, dear, I broke a nail, I have to go to Paris, as Franchesca is the ONLY person that can do them right, and dear, I need some mad money", and we get a dime rise in price at the pump for two weeks to pay for her trip, and those companies blatant greed.

In the olden days, gasoline was simply poured out into the ground, as oil comlpany people just didn't have a use for it. Along comes the Diesel, and gasoline engines, and monopolies are formed, riches gathered and things get way out of hand real fast.

Standard Oil of Ohio and other oil companies started the "shortage" crap way back in the early days. The first two purposeful/contrived oil company created "shortages", for the singular purpose of raising gasoline pricing were in 1907, to raise the price of gas from .06c/gal, to .08c, and again on 1909, from .09c/gal to .11c/gal. They were succseeful, have been ever since.

What we have just seen in the last week is, no shortages, but some sort of pipeline problem, that doesn't carry either crude or finished gasiline products, spring some sort of a leak in the middle of nowhere, and the oil companies expecting us to pay for their repair. This came along at just the right time as well, so they could increase the gouging usually done for the week of Labor Day, to adding the week before that holiday as well. Win situation for the oil companies.

What is needed is true, real, serious legislation regulating that industry, with positive stops in place to stop all thnis gouging and stabilize the oil industry, stop the paris fingernail trips and other B/S we are expected to buy without protest.

I heard yesterday, President Bush signed a piece of legislation to slack off regulations for pollution compliance for big businesses, including proposed and in-place pollution standards/levels and improvements to pollution controls,
including OIL COMPANIES, to give those big businesses a break and make more money to stimulate the economy. I like Bush, but think this is just plain wrong, those oil companies can well afford to fix their pollution problems, live within the law, like the rest of us do, and not get a break to make things worse and make even more obscene profits.

Deregulation is supposed to start better competition within the industry it is now not regulated in, but all it does is open up a lot more gouging and expecting us to buy a silk purse made from a sow's ear.

We also need positive regulation of the credit industry as well, stop some of these companies form running rough-shod and stealing from those whom experience legitimate credit problems along the way. Why is it that when somebody gets into problems of health and/or employment, only those companies that "handle" the debt management can get something done from the credit issuing companies, and not the cardholder? What needs to be done is, a limit should be set for highest interest charged by any and all credit card companies, no matter the account status. This would better serve everybody. Tighten up giving credit out. We'd have a lot less credit defaults and less problems, but the credit card companies don't want that, as they have a good thing going with their lies and intimidations, scaring people into programs they cannot afford after those companies purposely engineer into/bury that person in personal credit card dept. It takes the average person caught up in credit card debt, 32 years to pay down a credit card account that is $5.000 at minimum payment per month, when no other purchases are made with the card.

It's just time now, for sensible regulation to be put back into place. Deregulation has never helped anybody but the big business gougers.


It's a screwed up world and only getting worse. Why do you think I dream of the 60's? LOL

Wait until those damn electric and hybrid cars start pouring out to the "brain washed" public on a regular basis. That will be another excuse to raise prices for oil.

And ya know what....there's not a damn thing any of us can do about any of this. :cuss
You guys are touching just the surface of a subject that is destroying Alberta.
Deregulation of utilities.
Your gas prices are just fiddle-%#$&ing around compared to what's going on here.
Our "buddy" ( province's Premier ), the goof, RALPH KLINE, has deregulated EVERYTHING. Car insurance to medical. Our utility costs have gone up almost 400% in two years. This is in the province that produces about 10 times what it uses.
Why ?

ooooooooooo....... can't touch this one...... get's into international politics

I better go take a pill !


If i'd actually consider buying/driving a hybrid as a daily driver to not have to pay for the gas, does that make ME "brain-washed" too?


I just saw a segment of a program, 20-20 or 60 Minutes II or something like that, on how a very stabile and working company, I think it was Montana Power, got bankrupt in one fast hurry when deregulation came about and a slickie boy CEO bought the company, closed the power production or sold it off as small pieces and took the company into telecommunications, that failed when the stuff died.

Now, the power company is fully bankrupt, the power is sporadic, and even whole towns are going belly up, almost every employee is now either out of work or bankrupt enough to lose their houses, all because of this one guy and his new get rich policies. Of course, HE sttill lives in a mansion, has a few more mansions and isn't in a bind for anything.

They even showed a diner that had not locked its doors since something like 1928, now out of business because the people in that town can no longer afford to go to the diner to eat, because they all worked for, or were family members of people whom worked for Montana Power, now out of work.

Deregulation is just plain not the way to go to help the end user with cost effective affordable unilities and commodities.

Yup, I realize we have just barely scratched the surface here, there are lots more pressing issues that need immediate attention, in both of our countries, but it will have to be us, and others like up, rooting out the fat cat money people form power to get it dialed in so all of us are allowed to live better lives.

You should hear the whining and yelling that comes from the left and liberals, illegal alien's rights groups, when the subject of illegal aliens is brought up here. Words like instant citizenship, amnesty, welfare and food stamps, health care (of which, I have none except inadequately from the V/A. I sure wish I had health care for my stroke, I got nothing with the V/A, isn't "service related"), geemme, geemme, geemme, and much more on "entitling" our more unfortunate brothers from south of the border everyting in the store for free because they are having such a hard time of it.

We need to get going and get the job done, now's the time. When will we all just plain have enough of these people and get to changing things for the better?


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We talk of deregulation as it pretains to things such as power companies and pipelines and phone companies. It is falliacy to think that this out to help the little home owner or small business. This only helps large corporations, who can then move and destroy businesses at will without regard to the effect that it has on local communities. If any remember the gas shortages of the early 70's? Hand in hand with that was shortages of sugar, tomatoes and a mulitude of other products. Of course there was no shortage of any of it only greed. The only answer is get involved with your politicians and demand that public services be regulated and monopolies be destroyed. You need to live in here in Wal-Mart country and see how heavy handed a large corporate giant can be. They have had laws in Arkansas enacted to help them out from Airports to workmans comp. PLus they buy up properties and kick tenants out who might be competition no matter how small. :mad: Roy


Supporting Member 1
Must be something about Arkansas....they have two other companies that use the same tactics JB Hunt trucking and Tyson Chicken. I boycott 'em all,.:cuss :mad:


I remember listening to the CB when we used to travel across the country when we were road-racing motorcycles. There are at least a million J.B. Hunt driver jokes, stories, and just plain flames at everybody whom works for them, not well loved.

The other was, don't eat Tyson Chicken, for what reason we never really heard, just figured they let 'em die of old age before processing them or something equally as gruesome.