Bubble Top Dream


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Supporting Member 2
John, we must have bought our 1st convertibles about the same time, I bought my first 56 Conv. in Pasadena Cali. 1964, $850.00. 265 3spd overdrive
Turquoise and White. I've been lucky enough to have had 2 56's and 1 57. Just loved those cars. Say Im having trouble uploading files of pic's of our
car. It comes up with a window saying file is to large, heck, its just one picture. Any ideas, of what IM doing wrong..?

Stan,I believe Dick MacKenzie has posted a link on the websight on how to downsize your pictures.I'm sure when he see's this entry he will direct you to the link. John


Supporting Member 1
This is Dick's post that I have been reposting for picture help.
Discussion in 'General car talk' started by 62impala409, Sep 5, 2013.

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  1. 62impala409 Supporting Member 1
    Dick posted this method a while back.

    Dick MacKenzie Supporting Member 8

    Darned if I can find it! :dunno Let's try again.

    I like to store pictures on an online storage site like Photobucket. That way I don't take up any of Bob's server
    space, I can link to them from anywhere and they display as a viewable image not a thumbnail image.

    If you don't have an on line photo storage Photobucket is as good as any and free. I happen to have one there.
    You can go to http://photobucket.com and establish your account.

    On line storage using PhotoBucket

    Login to your account. You will be at your default album. It may look something like this.


    If you roll the cursor over a picture a menu appears like above. Click in the box next to where it says "IMG code".
    You will copy the link and briefly get a message saying so.

    Now go to the forum and start your post. Type whatever text or simply paste the link in the window. To paste your link you
    can hold down the 'shift' key and the 'Insert' key at the same time. Your window should look something like this.

    • 1962 Impala 409 / 4 speed and 1965 Buick Skylark convert. Leo and Pat "THE OLDER WE GET, THE FASTER WE USED TO GO"
    62impala409, Sep 5, 2013 Edit Delete Report
    #1 Quote

Iowa 409 Guy

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 15
Another option is to do what Phil does:have Dick Mac Kenzie post his pics for him.............:idea:happy


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 2
Put them on photobucket, and then resize them. And then regain your faith in Phil.... After all, losing your faith is a bad thing I hear :)

Phil Reed

Well Seasoned Member
Supporting Member 10
Put them on photobucket, and then resize them. And then regain your faith in Phil.... After all, losing your faith is a bad thing I hear :)
Especially if your Faith has a last name of Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Supporting Member 2
losing one's faith can be very hard. I remember after leaving Europe, I thought I would never find a decent Hefeweizen beer. I searched, I tasted, I even had beer sent over from Germany. My faith was lost.:( Then, ....... after almost 30 years, I was walking down the aisle in one of my local stores, ...... and there it was. A beer I had not seen before. Could it be? :bow .... No, it cant be, I have tried so many before, and they want $13 a six pack. Dare I ? I did. And it was :happy Not perfect, but very good. So there you have it. This is my tale of losing my faith and regaining it. It was a long journey frought with sadness and many dollars gone that shall never return to my pockets. You too can can have this ending, you just have to believe............:cheers


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Supporting Member 6
Change of subject, just picked up our 409 QB motor yesterday from the Freight Co. and its ready to hit the machine shop. This is our 1st
409 build, the motor/heads have been sonic checked and are good to go. We're heading in the direction of a Stock rebuild, but need some
sort of idea's of which way to go.


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I do really have Faith in you guys...... give me some of your brilliant ideas...... come on...... give it up.


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Just happened to drive a Beer Truck for 30 years, or was it I chased a Beer truck for 30 years?...... oh those were the days, Rainier.............beer.............


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I guess my question on the motor build would be..... How are you really going to drive the car? That is what I would always ask my customers when building Harley motors. They would come in and say I want this big cam, I want this size motor, I heard this and that. Then I would ask them, how they ride, where they ride, do they ride alone or with a passenger, how long do they want the motor to last? More often then not they would usually find that they just needed a little more power overall, not a some super race bike. Although I built some of those too. So what are you really going to do with that car? If you are just going to drive it and cruise around, stock would be more than fine. I over built mine realistically, but you would not have know that by the massive burn out I did today :cool: Thank God there were no cops around, I am still mad about my $489 ticket recently :no


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Supporting Member 6
Hey good story, or truth is always better. I sold my Harley, 2009 Softail Deluxe, my 56 Conv. and a couple years ago sold my 69 Chevelle , so this year
we building our 409. Its a nut & bolt frame off, it seems as once you've done one of these frame off's , its the only way you can be satisfied with the
quality and looks of the car. Not to diminish others for their drivers versions. We are going to mostly drive it, show it a little, and take it down the
strip 1 or 6 times, just always wanted one since I was 19. I was thinking Stroker, but not sure of how much more power it has, or just, a nicely
done stock one.? Just want it to sound mean, but can hold down the clutch and drive it easily. RIGHT..... BURN baby,