The truth about guns.....................

W Head

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 12
Just heard on the radio that Walmart will not order any additional ammo for their stores until they find out what the new gun laws will be. Ammo is already hard to find, the shelves are empty. Was in Waco last Thursday the gun dept. manager at Academy Sports & Outdoors said the trucks come in on Thursday, the night crew stocks the shelves with ammo Thurs. night and folks are lined up Friday morning waiting for the store to open and by Sat. morning the shelves are almost empty again. Went to two different gun shops, same thing empty shelves.

W Head

59 El Camino 348-3,2s
59 Impala 409-2,4s

Clyde Waldo

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
I grew up with guns. Dad was an avid hunter of quail, rabbit, deer & the like. He was an excellent shot with a rifle and shotgun. In his last years he & mom operated a controlled shooting perserve where we live now - he loved hunting and shooting. I still have all his guns and reloading equipment. I don't shoot much any more and my interest is in muzzleloading guns but I am not against guns and gun ownership.

However, when the words "......the right of the people to keep and bear Arms......." were written the Arms that they were writing about were flintlock rifles, flintlock shotguns and, flintlock pistols. Flintlock guns were all that was avalable at that time. So where would we be if they had written what they really were saying "......the right of the people to keep and bear flintlock rifles, flintlock shotguns and, flintlock pistols....." had been written instead?

Your thoughts.

W Head

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 12
Clyde, With that line of thinking, why should we up hold any of the laws the Constitution states. Just saying!

W Head

59 El Camino 348-3,2s
59 Impala 409-2,4s


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 10
And I guess "Freedom of the press" and "Freedom of speech" shouldn't be interpreted to include modern forms like TV, radio, cellphones and the internet?
After all, those didn"t exist then either.
Burning the flag wasn't mentioned and neither was "A woman's right to privacy, ie, abortion".
If flag burning is free speech, then donating money to support your political preferences is too.
Don't get me started.:bat


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 5
Has anybody heard any ideas that might actually reduce the number of mass shootings?
Armed guards at schools might help but where do you stop with that,,, malls, theaters, sporting events?

Sane people and responsible gun owners don't walk into a classroom and mow down a bunch of kids.
It seems that most of these people that do these shootings are mentally unbalanced. Can you just lock them all up? I don't think so.

Many of these people blame others for their problems and dream of getting even some day.
Put a sick mind together with violent video games where the object is to kill as many people as possible, then add a few violent movies where the hero gets even by gunning everybody down and you've got a problem.

Can you keep guns out of the hands of crazy people? Probably not, even if they're banned from owning weapons I'm sure they can get there hands on a gun easily enough.
Unfortunately a macho looking gun like the Bushmaster and some body armor is probably enough to make a deranged person feel like he has all the power he needs to "get even" with whoever he thinks the enemy is. Can you ban a specific gun just because it's popular with mass killers?

I see people on both sides of the gun issue posting links and statistics that absolutely prove their point but I don't see many ideas that sound like they'll work.

The extreme positions seem to be "ban all guns" or "everybody carry a gun" or something close to that. There's been very little rational debate just one side trying to shout down the other.

Meanwhile, some lunatic is sitting in his mothers basement just dreaming of the day when he finally shows everybody who's boss. :bat


Supporting Member 1
All excellent points. I feel it all comes down to responsibility. Two of the recent shooters got their weapons from stealing them from a friend or family member (Or and CT). Two of the recent shooters were know to others as having mental/personality issues but nobody made others aware of their condition (CO and CT).

Gun owners must be responsible to safe guard their weapons from others as best they can. I know this can't stop everyone but it's a responsibility that we all share.

As a society we have to ensure that individuals who exhibit personality issues are brought to the attention of those they may be able to help. Wheter it is parents, teachers, medical experts or neighbors we have to protect both society and the individual from possibly harming themselves and/or others. Is this foolproof, no, but we have that responibility.

Government can talk about passing more gun laws but that is not a solution since most mass shooters have already broken other types of laws leading up to the fatal moments. Are violent video games and movies to blame? Nobody really knows the answer to that. Is there a common thread that mass shooter share? I don't think any one knows.

Just my 2 cents.

Paul--Gun Owner

roger c

Well Known Member
When guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw. I do not carry a gun, I do own a gun, It is kept inside my house to protect my family & property. I will not give it up!

I am truly concerned about the government & where it is headed, gun control is the next step against us.


Supporting Member 1
Hows this for some old wisdom:
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

My reading of history convinces my that most bad government results from too much government.

Both written by Thomas Jefferson

roger c

Well Known Member
Makes you wonder whether they could see the future events or were simply responding to what they had already seen in their past history.


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Personally I think the whole situation boils down to a moral issue. With the progressive attitude to blame with a slow and bitter decay of society. You can't have your cake and eat it too so to speak. The Progressives have made a point to remove God from our society and put in place the feel good do good do what you like satisfaction now point of view. Like others have said video games, movies, the schools are a nightmare because the teachers can not discipline the students pornography is a click away and no one teaches right from wrong. We have welfare with societies that are victims of their environment. Aren't they really victims of our government? And it goes on and on. What happen to businesses being closed on Sunday and families gathering for Church and then Sunday afternoon pot luck or, sitting down at the dinner table as a family for a meal? Like it or not the these issues I believe kept us in check. Strip those morals from our society and you have just what we are experiencing today. The world is a much smaller place now and quite frankly I don't like it. Gun control is not the answer. Taking a look at our morals is. We have swung all the way to the Left and now its time for the pendulum to swing somewhere in the center. We have to get a handle on the politicians. Business in Washington needs to change. I think we all realize that its just finding the leaders that can do it. Ronnie where are you when we need you...

As for your comment Clyde I could not disagree more. If you really believe what you said then I think you had better sell that T-Bird for scrap and go buy yourself a horse and buggy and discard any other luxury's like electricity, indoor pluming, paved roads et cetra et ctra et cetra... As I said above. You can't have your cake and eat it too...

What do you think about these statistics?

I grew up with guns. Dad was an avid hunter of quail, rabbit, deer & the like. He was an excellent shot with a rifle and shotgun. In his last years he & mom operated a controlled shooting perserve where we live now - he loved hunting and shooting. I still have all his guns and reloading equipment. I don't shoot much any more and my interest is in muzzleloading guns but I am not against guns and gun ownership.

However, when the words "......the right of the people to keep and bear Arms......." were written the Arms that they were writing about were flintlock rifles, flintlock shotguns and, flintlock pistols. Flintlock guns were all that was avalable at that time. So where would we be if they had written what they really were saying "......the right of the people to keep and bear flintlock rifles, flintlock shotguns and, flintlock pistols....." had been written instead?

Your thoughts.

Clyde Waldo

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 6
Dan, my words didn't come out like I wanted. All that I was wondering about was what the men that wrote those words would think about our present gun situation/controversy. I apologize to all for my poor wording.

I want all to know that I am not anti gun!!!

As I stated, I am a gun owner. I live out in the country and people out here know about guns, have guns, shoot guns, and teach their kids about guns. When I want to shoot one of my guns I can go out of my house and fire a gun in almost any direction and not bother any one since we own 275 acres and have no close neighbors. My youngest daughter and her husband and three boys come out to shoot their guns here. We hear gun shots frequently and I am not concerned.

I am a long time member of the NMLRA (National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association) and also a long time member of the Gemmer Muzzle Loading Gun Club west of St Louis.

As for .........."buy yourself a horse and buggy and discard any other luxury's like electricity, indoor pluming, paved roads.........." I wouldn't know what to do with a horse. We do have electricity and I have grown accustom to it and like it. About the indoor plumbing - we have three outhouses on our property; two at the old one room school house down the road (one for the boys & one for the girls) which are used when we have our annual school house renunion. The other outhouse is behind the house where we live and could be used but we don't because we do have indoor plumbing. Paved roads--- no paved road here, we must drive a mile and a half on the gravel road that we live on to get to a paved road

Again I apologize for my poor wording.

I repeat I am not anti gun!!!

So sorry :hide


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Supporting Member 2
I apologize if I misunderstood your post. I think our Forefathers understood progress and accounted for it in their writing of the Constitution and The Bill Of Rights. Times have changed and the progressives think they are the Aristocrats and know whats better for us worker bees. That is why we need to fight to maintain our Constitutional rights as our Forefathers predicted.

roger c

Well Known Member
I honestly believe our government has morphed into a power hungry monster. We now have to fight to keep our roghts or soon we will have none. I just hope it is not too late.
I really would like my grandchildren to be able to enjoy life & drive my old cars during their lifetime.