mike bell

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 1
Grandma is 88 years old and she still drives her own car. She writes:
Dear Granddaughter,
The other day I went to the local Christian bookstore, and I saw a "Honk If You Love Jesus" bumper sticker, what followed was a miracle!! I was feeling a little sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance and a thunderous prayer meeting. So, I bought the bumper sticker and placed it on my rear bumper.Boy, am I glad that I did. What an uplifting experience followed! I had to stop at a very busy intersection for a red light. I was deep in thought about The Lord and how great that He was, that's when I found that lots of people love Jesus as much as I do!
While I was sitting there, the gentleman behind me started honking his horn, he leaned out the window and yelled " For the love of God- go- go-go- Jesus Christ - go- go. What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Christ. Then others started honking and screaming. I just leaned out my window and started smiling and waiving at all those loving folks. I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love. There even was a man from Flordia because he was yelling something about the sunny beaches. Another man was waiving in a real strange way, with only his middle finger sticking up in the air. I asked my grandson, Tommy, who was sitting in the backseat what that meant and he said that he thought it was the Hawaiian symbol for good luck. I've never met anyone from Hawaii before so I returned the good luck sigh to him. My grandson burst out laughing- even he was enjoying this great religious experience!!!! A few people were so caught up in the experience and started running to my car, I guess they wanted to know what church that I attended, but that's when I noticed that the light had turned green. So smiling and waiving good luck to all my brothers and sisters, I drove through the light. I then noticed that I was the only car that got through before the light turned back to red. I started to feel sad that I had to leave all my new found friends and all the love that we had just shared. So I slowed down, leaned out the window, smiled and waived " GOOD LUCK" one last time as I drove away. Praise The Lord for allowing me to meet all those lovely folks!
Will write soon,
Love always Grandma