You never know what you might find in a pasture


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Supporting Member 9
This "vehicle" was in a pasture with about 40 head of cows. It was built about 30 years ago to make a "self propelled" grain auger. No more pushing the heavy auger by hand. Guess it worked pretty good according to the owner and builder. The auger was taken off about 15 years ago.

He didn't want this vehicle any more so I loaded it up. Got some good parts. Any guesses what is behind the radiator? With a little persuasion from a 36 inch pipe wrench on the yoke, the engine turned about 1/2 a turn, then got tighter. I took out the plugs, gave each hole a big squirt of Tri-flow and then turned over free, 2 turns anyway.

Another winter project it looks like:D


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Supporting Member 9
Maybe this side view will make it a bit more interesting. 1959 348 250 hp. I bet this was a high performance grain auger!!


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Supporting Member 9
It has a 1961 T10 coupled to a really old 3 speed of some kind. 1st gear and 1st gear would give a nice slow crawling speed.


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Supporting Member 2
Right on !!

Looks like you got your self a 1959/60 El Camino or Stn. Wagon gas tank too...

Probably thats where the engine from .... hmmm, interesting
Nice find Ron !


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Supporting Member 9
The doner car was a 59 wagon. I don't know how the 61 T10 got in it.

There are some more oldies coming up at auction this Friday and Saturday. I had planned to go, but my crops got ripe early and I can't find a truck driver.:cuss I think I will have to stay home and work.:cuss

Here is the auction site.



Bob will have a poor eastern FIT when he sees this in the morning !
HEE HEE HEE !;) [/B]

NOW WHY CAN'T I FIND THINGS LIKE THIS? :cuss <---for Aubrey lol :D

So you got it for free??? That's it, no one is allowed to talk to Ron anymore. :D Glad it made it's way to someone that can bring it back to life. Looks like it came close to going to the scrap yard. :eek:


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Supporting Member 1
Way to go Ron! I sure wish I could go to that auction.:( If any more like that come up, please post them. Man that would be fun:rolleyes: It's my Grandma's 85th birthday party Saturday and There's a big swap and car show near by I might sneak off to Sunday. I sure am happy for you Ron. No; really.:D NUT


WOW! I've died and gone to a Montana field Heaven! I truly hope that ALL will be saved! How about i just buy the land along with what's on it and spend the rest of my life bringing that collection up to snuff! haha exciting times this weekend for those that go! Too bad it's not in Michigan, although they'd all be rusty. Jim


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Supporting Member 9
That is quite a collection!!! I have been planning to go ever since I saw the first sale bill, about 2 months ago. But now, with all the hot weather, 103 today, the crops matured sooner. Looks like I won't be done cutting wheat by Friday. I could really use a straight hood and truck lid for my 64. Maybe I can find someone to bid for me.

Montana cars don't rust much unless they are in the dirt, so there should be some good ones.
