WOW! Bob


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I just happened to notice that there are almost 2000 posts and it just seems like we opened up this site. Bob it shows that you have got it on the ball, hit the old target with this site. :cheers Roy


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I second that !!! This is the best car site !!!! Even better then that other BIG chevy site !! And faster to boot !! thanks BOB !!:cheers


Thanks guys! :cheers Our members deserve alot of the credit too. From the ones that donated to help build it, to those that pop in regularly to help others, we all contribute in some way.

Can you believe 179 members? We must be doing something right for sure. :) "If you build it, they will come" :p

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
I concur

Bob, I second everyone who posts a positive note. This reminds me of the early days of the Internet (1970s) when everyone SHARED THE KNOWLEDGE FREELY. That was before the Dot Coms took over Internet/Web traffic (1986). I still bask in the "good old days" of muscle cars and Internet access :)

Tom K

P.S. Bob - check's in the mail :)