Update on my shop construction project

Tom Kochtanek

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 13
Tommy asked in another thread and I thought I'd pass along the not-so-good news using the General car talk thread. Seems I've upset some engineers in the city planning department with my securing a building permit to construct a 40' by 60' "shop" on my unplatted 5 acres of land inside the city limits.... :(

When I finally got the site levelled late July (after $5K worth of tree removal, grading, bringing in waste lime, some engineering costs, permits, and so forth -- boy, it really adds up quickly!) I shot the corners and then called the city engineers to make certain I was taking my measurements from the correct boundary markers. This was the guy who I submitted my permit application to wayyy back in April. He told me he forgot to ask me "Do you live on this property?". I told him "No", and then there's this big pause...... Then he says "We may have made a mistake in issuing this permit". About then I got a bit irked, but remained calm and collected. He suggested I discuss this with "my engineer" for the project. Like I had one....

So I went to a Civil Engineering group that does lot and subdivision development and presented him with my scenario. He is puzzled how they even issued the permit in the first place, and how they allowed it to be soooo large !!! Then he asks me why I would want to build a $20,000 "detached garage" on a $40,000 duplex lot. My answer was "because I can", which was apparently not a sound business answer.

Hell, I had no idea this land was worth that much all cut up into lots. Turns out that duplex lots have gone up in value since the bottoming of the stock market, and all the doctors in town are trying to figure out what to do with their ill-gotten cash (just kidding, for those of you out there who are upstanding members of the medical profession and/or tremendously wealthy and are looking for alternative investments :) ).

So I ask him to draft up a "best use" of the land given the existing zoning (it is currently a combination of duplexes and single family houses). This took a few weeks. He comes up with something like 8 duplex lots (including the footprint I intended to construct my shop on) and 5 single family building lots. He suggested I rent space elsewhere, or buy another tract of ground less valuable and build my shop there.....

So I am currently pursuing other options, including rezoning the existing tract for higher density, which oddly enough allows me to construct a "maintenance facility" (sounds like a shop to me!). But that would be on another part of the tract. Given the current zoning I am apparently not allowed to build a "detached garage" (that's the language I used to get the permit) if I in fact do not reside on that property.... And no, my wife is not prepared to move, as we have lived in our house for some 19 years now....

So, I am simultaneously pursuing subdivision planning while looking for a small parcel of land OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS (those bastards!) to build my shop. I did find a 2.5 acre piece not far away just last weekend, but it's tied up in probate court and not currently not for sale.

In short, things got complex, the city stepped in, and now engineers and lawyers got involved (that's another story unto itself :)). Seems the big rich subdivision next to me caught wind of my antics (to plan a small rental subdivision) and are concerned about "all that riff-raff" that might be driving through their streets lined with $350,000 houses. So their lawyer has contacted me informing me that they will fight any development that I might propose. Gee, I remember when their fancy subdivision was build just 5-6 years ago. It was a nice alfalfa field with trees dotting the 60 acres -- then it got flattened by bull dozers and all -- I mean every one -- of those trees was pushed over. And they are worryiing about li'l ol' me????

The saga continues. The way I figure it is that this has become soooo complex that I deserve to build AT LEAST THREE X-frame cars with "W" engines just for putting up with and enduring this torture. Wouldn't you agree? Plus at the cost of this development and construction, which I will manage and general contract (saving 15-20%), pouring money into a few 409s will seem like a drop in the bucket (I don't mean to be facetious). I am counting on my wife being so consumed with decision making that she won't see a few dollars going out the window for "automobile restoration". :) :) :)

Sorry to be so long winded, but the road is long and the load is heavy...

Tom K


Wow Tom...doesn't sound good. I would be a liar if I said I understood all of that but the parts I did understand don't sound too good.

That's the way things are today. Everybody has a say in everything. And they all want a pay off too! Find the right palm to grease and I bet it would go through. :rolleyes: Look at some people being told they can't even park their own car in their own driveway! And it's only going to get worse too. It's sickening how our freedom/rights are going to hell in a handbag.

Sounds to me like you should prep that site and sell it off for profit! All you can get out of it! Then find a better location.

Maybe you could put an apartment above the garage and I can live there for free to help you out? That way someone would be living on the property. LOL I'd need about 6 stalls to go with it though. :p


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 5
Bob has a good point. An apartment above your 'new business' that you reside in. Is your property zoned commercial.......can you change it to that?
What about a farm lot that needs a maintenance shed?

Also, once it is built and you have this apartment above ....'the business'......we can all stay there when we come with our 348's and 409's to visit. Heck it may become an annual event.

Good luck buddy, I'm following your progress because I want to do the same thing once I move away from here.......far far away.
We have the same group of nincomepoops (my dad's old saying) in our town.

Good Luck


If your going to eventually have $350,000 dollar houses around it, can you imagine the complaints about anything and everything you do? Don't leave anything laying outside, don't make any noise, and don't you dare park an old car where it can be seen by the uppity ups. I think it sounds like trouble to me.

Prep the land and make them want to buy it from you. Then play games and take them for all you can. :p


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 8
Sorry to hear of your problems with the shop. Most things work out for the best thought. I hope this does. Why can't people leave us alone and just let us play with our toys!!!

Tommy:cry :cuss :evil


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 15
The land

Lawyers always figure a way into everything. Sorry to hear about the delays.

Here's a thought....

Parcel out the land to developers....the kind they don't want....
multi family apartments and the like.

Or, parcel it out to developers who will build more of those $350K homes, then cut the developr a deal for it and have them buy
land and build your dream garage at a different site. You might get out doing less manual labor!


Sounds like you are handling it well, Tom. At least you must've cooled down before you wrote about it here! haha

I'd put the blame on the city engineer who apparently admitted to forgetting to ask you that important question. You obviously wouldn't have spent all that money so far without a permit. I see it that you were justified and legal in your doings, and if they won't continue the permit(which is most likely-especially the pressure from the snobs next door) you should be reimbursed the $$$ spent in development. I'm sure your lawyer(s) are working on that one. I wouldn't acknowledge the possibility to sell/divide the property until after your litigation. They might rule that you aren't out anything by not getting your "garage," becasue you can sell it. It sounds like you have a valuable and in-demand property. Keep it if nothing else, something will arise, i'd think someone (if close enough lots to the $350K houses) would buy your lot, combine it with theirs and be "living on the property" and be able to finish what you may not be able to. Just my thoughts...



Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
I think a well developed hog farm on that there property would be a fitting neighbor for them dogooders down the street !!
heee heee
then sell the hogs in a year after they get to market size and use that money to develop the lots into low income housing with federal money and move you and your loving wife farther out to that big chunk of land that you can now afford to build on !!


Well Known Member

hey Tom

Start a church dedicated to the bringing of the x bodies to the light. Invite all your friends over have spiritual moments with your cars,write it all off your taxes.

Claim all your old cars as dependants living there or drag yourself up an old camper trailer,jack it up and take the wheels off,its now your vacation house.

hmm just a thought
