

Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Got the rear and axles in this morning. Right now I waiting on Dutchman to drill out my brake drums so the larger (1/2) studs will work.
Another 20 minutes and I will pick them up.
Dutcham is a great place to do business and they are just down the road from me.
Going to the races tonite and give her a test out,,,,,if all goes well,
Met some good people doing this project as in the rear guy,,,Lots of good stories and he knows a few `09 guys that I`ve seen around.
That helps when I called them to chat.
Hopefully I can learn a few things from them. Nice cars and fast,,,,done all the mistakes I`m going through,,,well almost !! heeeeheee
OK time to go,,,stay tuned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dq


Well Known Member
Supporting Member 3
Didn`t go !!!! Too many changes and now I have to learn how to launch with the new gears. AND it was too hot !! And didn`t go tonite for same reasons,,,and coming down with something,,,,,,really sore throat and feel like dog pile !!
Now with the lower gears brake stall is about 1800 down from 2500. O well,,,tails of dialing in a car !! BUT,,,,,,,THE NEW GEARS,,,,,WOW !! RPM comes on a ton better !!

I`ll find a quite road this week and see what I can do about the launch,,,,

Did go to a cruz-in and won first place for under construction class :cheers
Spent this morning going to a couple cruz-in but didn`t take the car,,,,,,,drove the air conditioned van,,,,

Next Friday should be a bunch cooler and plan on trying it out then,,,,Sorry to dissapoint you ,,,,and me ,,,,dq